The Minister of Community Services
David Morse, Conservative MLA for Kings South, is the current Minister of Community Services. Politically speaking, he oversees the Department of Children’s Services and the various Children’s Aid Societies scattered across Nova Scotia.
The Liberal and NDP political parties have specific MLAs designated as Community Service Critics to focus on matters that fall into the realm of Community Services including the Department of Children’s Services and the various Children’s Aid Societies. Besides attempting to meet with the Minister of Community Services, it is these elected representatives which the citizens of Nova Scotia should be going to with their concerns about these organizations . (We will talk about these critic in more detail later.)
It is important to understand that David Morse is an elected official who was appointed to this position by the premier of Nova Scotia. As such, he can be appointed and dismissed at anytime . He is NOT an employee of Children’s Services or Children’s Aid and any knowledge he has of the actual functioning of the Department of Children’s Services or Children’s Aid Societies is information which the long-time employees on the higher end of the hierarchy of these organizations have decided they want him to know.
In a sense, the Minister of Community Services is a figurehead - not much more - easily lead and misdirected by experienced long time players in the Department of Children‘s Services and the Children’s Aid Societies . Attempting to avoid accountability, we believe this position of ignorance suits both the government and Department of Children’s Services and the Various Children’s Aid Societies.
We have no knowledge of any ordinary citizen of Nova Scotia, and certainly no advocacy workers, who have been granted a meeting with the Minister of Community Service. Our numerous attempts have been shunned. The way we see it, they dare not allow such meeting because any knowledgeable person would easily identify the informational shortcomings of this Minister. Instead, people requesting meeting are directed to various people down the line.
An ending note:
We understand that David Morse sits in an ivory tower on Spring Garden Rd. behind bullet proof glass. Have you seen the government offices lately with their locked security doors, buzzers, cameras, and bullet-proof glass? Why, we ask, has this government become so scared of the citizens of this province?