Friday, November 11, 2011

UK Children Services - Same in Nova Scotia

UK Children Services

Please understand, what is going on in the UK is the same wherever there is a form of Children's Services / CPS. I

f you go to the topic index under "Bigger Picture" and digest the material there, you will begin to understand why. The powers that want to form the NEW World Order with a one world government WANT to destroy the family unit.

Also, when people, especially children are traumatized they are more susceptible to mind control- Please read the topic listed under "MIND CONTROL" [Please watch for new additions - A lot more will be published under the various current "MIND CONTROL topics and new MIND CONTROL topics will be added. These are VERY important subjects that you need to be aware of]

Speak out now - Don't wait until your family and friends become the victims. Remember, when you speak out, you will be helping not only your family that is alive today but also your yet unborn children, grandchildren, great grandchildren etc. They deserve to born into a world where family can live in peace and safety. - Thank you.

Brian Gerrish - Blowing The Whistle conference [23rd October 2011]

Dubious 'experts' are paid to tear families apart: A new report condemns the shoddy standards of psychologists' reports in our family courts.

By Christopher Booker
17 Mar 2012

A long overdue scandal hit the headlines last week when a semi-official report exposed one of the murkiest corners of our child protection system – the way that supposed professional “experts” help social workers to remove children from their parents.

A study by Professor Jane Ireland, a forensic psychologist, for the Family Justice Council examined 126 psychological reports trawled at random from family court documents. It found that two thirds of them were “poor” or “very poor” in quality; that 20 per cent of their authors had no proper qualifications; and that no fewer than 90 per cent of the authors were not practising psychologists but appeared to earn their livings, wholly or partly, from writing reports for social workers. Already one psychologist, whose company has made nearly half a million pounds a year from such reports, is under investigation by the General Medical Council.

The picture Prof Ireland conveys is one with which I am only too familiar. I have seen how families can be torn apart largely on the basis of highly dubious psychological evidence designed, as John Hemming MP puts it, to “suit the demands of local authorities”. One mother lost her children, for instance, on the basis of a 235-page report, costing £14,000, which found that she was “likely to have a borderline personality disorder” – without the author ever having met her.

Another woman was found by a psychologist to be “a competent mother” – so the social workers went to a second witness, who found the same. They then commissioned a third, who at last came up with what they wanted: that the mother had, again, “a borderline personality disorder”. On that basis, her three children were sent for adoption.

A married couple lost their daughter because the father, who had had four “psychological assessments”, saw no reason to submit himself to a fifth. The Court of Appeal found that he seemed to be putting his “emotional needs before those of his child”, and ordered that the child be adopted.

Damning as Prof Ireland’s report is, her remit was only to look at psychological assessments. An equally disturbing picture might emerge from examining other groups of medical “experts” who earn thousands of pounds from evidence which parents may not be allowed to challenge or even read.

One contentious area, for instance, is where parents are accused of having injured infants who are found to have small fractures to their bones. A fashionable theory, pioneered by a Dr Kleinman in the US, holds that such fractures are a sure indicator of “non-accidental injury”, ie the child must have been abused. In one case (which I was able to report last year because the judge, unusually, published his judgment) it was clear that all the four medical witnesses had supported this “Kleinman theory”, unquestioningly accepted by the judge.

But other experts strongly disagree, citing studies which suggest that such fractures may quite often arise naturally from a deficiency of vitamin D (as tests had shown was the case with this particular mother). When I showed the judgment to a doctor expert in this field, he immediately recognised three of the witnesses as doctors who “go round from one court to another to support the Kleinman theory”. Since no one was in court to challenge them, the heartbroken mother – like many before her – lost her son.

Several scandals have hit the headlines in recent years involving doctors struck off after making a reputation as witnesses, pushing some theory about “brittle bones”, “shaken baby syndrome” or “Munchausen syndrome by proxy” which was eventually exposed as fallacious. But these causes célèbres have centred on criminal courts, where evidence can be put more rigorously to the test than is required by the much laxer procedures of family courts. As I have observed before, once a court system is allowed to hide itself away behind a wall of secrecy, the chances are high that it will become corrupted. A perfect example is the role played in our family courts by many of these professional “experts”. The good work Prof Ireland has begun cannot be allowed to stop there.

Irish social workers are horrified by their ruthless English counterparts:Families fleeing the interventions of social workers have been finding a far more humane approach across the water.
By Christopher Booker
18 Feb 2012

Such is the reign of terror now being imposed on innocent English families by social workers that scores of parents have been fleeing with their children to Ireland to escape their clutches. I have followed a dozen such stories over the past two years, and in all of them two things stand out. One is that the English social workers seem prepared to stop at nothing to get the children back. The other is the extraordinary contrast between them and the Irish social workers, who again and again have satisfied themselves that the children are at no risk from their loving parents and are astonished by the ruthless behaviour of their English counterparts.

Several of these stories I have reported more than once and they do not have happy endings. A mother and baby were pursued to Ireland by six social workers and police, who sat in Dublin for 10 days of court hearings, until a judge ruled in their favour (with the social workers seen giving “high fives” on emerging from the court). When the mother again escaped to a remote cottage, she was violently knocked down by a policeman, so that her baby could be taken back to England.

Vicky Haigh, a former racehorse trainer, managed to escape to Ireland before her daughter was born. But then she was brought to England to be quite bizarrely punished, in a case relating to her beloved older daughter, with a three-year prison sentence – leaving her baby to be looked after in Ireland.

A 14-year-old boy lived happily with his mother in Ireland for six months until, after an equally bizarre judgment based on evidence neither he nor his mother were allowed to see, he was deported miserably back to care in England.

Last week, another such story came my way. It concerns a respectable family which was hit with disaster last summer, after the semi-autistic 8-year-old son –who tends to make things up – had lashed out at his 13-year-old sister, leaving bruises. When these were investigated, the boy told the police that his father had done it. The girl denied this – and the boy admitted in video evidence what had really happened – but the police stuck with his earlier story and arrested the father. Although he was never charged, the interventions of social workers became so menacing that, last October, the family escaped to Ireland, where the father has his roots.

There they have happily settled, and the 13-year-old daughter has become a star pupil of the local school. But the social workers eventually tracked them down – after the children’s grandmother, back in England, had been arrested by 10 police officers, handcuffed, held for three hours in a cell, and told she would be charged with perverting the course of justice unless she revealed their whereabouts. The English social workers pressed their Irish counterparts to co-operate in getting the children back to England (there are no court orders), but were told there was no reason for this because the children were in no danger.

The social workers then tried to lean on the school principal, saying that the children were “at risk of emotional harm”. The sensible headmistress gave them very short shrift, saying that the English social workers had behaved deplorably in trying to destroy a perfectly normal family, and that England’s loss was Ireland’s gain, since the girl was a brilliant pupil, who was learning five languages. Thanks to their origins, the family will soon be safely confirmed as Irish citizens.

What is striking about these stories is how often the parents emphasise the contrast between the two countries’ social workers. “In England,” says this father, “we were treated like dangerous criminals. In Ireland the social workers could not be more different, warm, friendly, treating us like human beings.” And of course it is in England that the number of children taken into care has soared to a record level, just having topped 900 a month. There is a phenomenon of group psychology here that deserves much wider attention than it is being given.

Comments on this story have been disabled for legal reasons. (As written on web site)

CPS to take child away at birth

UK Column Child Stealing Pt1

Ian Josephs: I am not a solicitor or barrister but I do have a law degree from Oxford University and advise hundreds of parents every year (free of charge) on how to fight and sometimes win against social services .

Forced Adoption is a book on sale at cost price that exposes the secret family courts, the gagging of parents and worse still the forced adoption of their children for such trivial reasons as 'risk of emotional abuse'. All conclusions are sourced from Parliamentary Questions, the BBC, ITV and reputable newspapers such as The Times, the Daily Telegraph and the Daily Mail. I did not believe that secret courts and forced adoptions in a money-driven industry could exist until I verified actual cases. Free legal advice and help is offered to all parents who are victims of this iniquitous system.

ISBN: 978-1-84799-798-2
Rights Owner: Ian Josephs
Copyright: © 2008 Standard Copyright License
Language: English

A Social Workers Poem  (By Ian Josephs)

I am a social worker, I'm really very nice;
I help you loving mothers, and give you good advice.

Your partner has departed, your income is too low;
I'm really very sorry ALL your kids will have to go!

Your partner is abusive, he beats you black and blue;
We'll soon be there to help you, and take your children too.

You have a learning problem, you're really not too clever;
We'll have your kids adopted, when can you see them? NEVER!

Your son is hyperactive, you need a brief respite.
We'll soon take ALL your children, give up the hopeless fight!

Your child was taken into care so many years ago;
If now you have a baby that too will have to go!

Foster parents love your kids, to get some more they seek;
For each one brings a tidy sum, £400 per week.

Children's homes are run by us, where paedophiles abound;
Each time we cover up abuse, the 'gutter press' come round.

They said adoptions would work the best, we soon proved they would;
Fathers shout and Mothers cry, their kids are gone for good!

What happens in our special courts? Our Experts they will say;
You're a danger to your children, so we'll take them ALL away.

Your children may be healthy, happy and well fed;
But one day you might hurt them, that's what our experts said.

The judges know that we are right, with us they will agree;
They dare not risk another course, you have no chance you see.

Our special courts are secret, so don't you breathe a word;
Of what goes on inside those walls, no matter how absurd.

We'll get your kids adopted, and don't you dare complain;
Or you'll end up in prison, and I won't say that again!

We have adoption targets, they must be met you see;
Failure means a reprimand, so spare a thought for me!

By Ian Josephs (A Very Social Worker)

UK Column Child Stealing by the State Pt2
Jack Frost - Gulag of the Family Courts - (2007) a critique of the English and Welsh Family Courts.