Monday, August 29, 2011

Children Service Shame

Children Service Shame

Crime and Punishment: Child Protective Services Busted!

At Least 370 CPS Workers have Criminal Histories

How the US Government Kidnaps Children to Drug Them into Oblivion
Canada Connection

The Truth About Child Protective Services 1/2

The Truth About Child Protective Services 2/2

A CPS Insider Reveals "Secret Rules" that corrupt "CPS" Inc
Parents are victimized by the system that makes a profit for holding children longer and bonuses for not returning children to their parents. This is abusive power. It is lack of accountability. And it is a growing criminal-political phenomenon spreading around the globe.
You can't make this stuff up...

Innocence Destroyed - Part 1 - WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT
Investigating the deaths of over 1000 children per year in the custody of various states.
American child put in foster care in Mexico where she was murdered
Dr Don Plance - reviews autopsy report
Children are 600% more likely to die in "care"
Memorial to children who died in "care" of CPS

Innocence Destroyed - Part 2 - WARNING: Graphic Content
Dr Don Plance - reviews post mortem of child in "care"
"In the best interest of the children" - Really the best interest of CPS
Courts do not rule against CPS when they should Lawyers of parents do not represent clients as they should
Judges with relatives working in CPS
Children knowingly put in abusive foster homes on a regular basis
When abuse in foster homes is reported but there is no investigation
CPS worker or supervisors abusers themselves
CPS workers allowed to not answer questions in court
Certified court transcripts have either added false testimony or important information missing
Many courts do not maintain audio tapes of court proceedings

Innocence Destroyed - Part 3 - WARNING: Graphic Content
Many children dissappear or run away from CPS "care"
Memorial for children who died of neglect and murder while with CPS

10-4-2009 - I am Bill Bowen the writer and director of the short film, Innocence Destroyed. Thank you for posting this important blog space in order to make more people aware of what is going on in our country and around the world. As well I want to thank all of you who took the time to watch what is a very difficult film to watch. I made it that way because of how hard it was for those children to have had to live those lives and to have been forced to die the way they were forced to die and what they endured. This not the whole story by a long shot. There is a full length film being made right now, "In The Best Interests of the Children." That film documents and details the corruption within CPS, the family courts and the attorneys assigned to "represent" the parents. It also shows the phony "psychologists" who are not even licensed to be able to cut a dog's hair and how CPS and the courts use those paid for hit men to destroy families. It looks into how CPS is destroying Native American families and how they violate the Indian Child Welfare Act and allow white people to adopt Native American babies. As well, how attractive blonde children are taken from parents and given to families of state officials so those families don't have to wait like all others who want to adopt. Stories fully investigated where judges sentenced children to group homes, owned by the judges and those judges don't allow the children to be represented by attorneys. It will exposed the alteration or changing of transcripts from court cases, which are going to appeal and the involvement of the Attorney General's offices in some sates and their zeal to win cases at any cost. There is a lot more on those AGs. How CPS controls the various state legislators and that is due to the matching funds wherein the states receive three federal dollars for every state dollar they give CPS. The film will provide even more shocking details about the murders of the children shown in the short film and will expose even more cases of the same type of murders, plus torture, rape of little children and the involvement of CPS in too many of those rapes, abuses and murders or deaths due to neglect. It will update the retaliation against some of those people who appeared in the short film by the courts and CPS and how those brave people continue to fight. Most importantly, the full length film, with the help of caring, current legislators, attorneys, doctors and former CPS caseworkers will provide a workable solution to all of the problems associated with CPS and there is nothing CPS can do to stop that solution, nothing any legislative body can do to stop it or any lobbyists can do to stop it. It doesn't require any donations, zero, zippo, nada, honestly nothing! You will not be asked to write letter or protest and march as that is joke to CPS, but the proposed solution will handle the problems of CPS once and for all. Please watch for that film and in the meantime, please try and get this short film out to as many people as you can, politicians, media people, talk show host of all stripes and keep increasing the public awareness. These CPS creatures can only operate in darkness and shadows. Let's shine the strong light of day on them. Your help is certainly acceptable to us. You will start seeing the short film in film festivals this winter across the country. - Unfortunately Bill Bowen died before his new film was made. - Oct 2010

CPS are using your Children for Money
CPS: An agency that was once created to remove children from truly abusive homes. It has now become an entity that has gotten addicted to the money that they make from each and every child they take into state care. So addictive, that now they use every means available to remove children from homes of loving parents, using illegal and immoral tactics. Making up false claims of abuse and/or neglect. The more children a state can take into custody, the more federal funding that state receives. Its simply a very large criminal enterprise. Our nation is at risk due to these Domestic Terrorists.

Legal Child Kidnapping