Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Foreign Troops on U.S. Soil TODAY

Foreign Troops on U.S. Soil TODAY

JULY 2013: America Martial Law: Foreign Troops Arrive

15000 Russian Troops Heading to east coast. Foreign military drills in america. obama new world order 2013

Monday, July 08, 2013

50 States Tender Their Resignation From The United States Corporation EXPANDED

50 States Tender Their Resignation From The United States Corporation

50 States Tender Their Resignation
From The United States Corporation
 Part 1 (Preamble)

Mr "President", on behalf of the 50 states of these United States of America, I have been chosen to submit our resignation from the federal union we have shared since our nation's inception.

Brave and courageous men set up this once-great nation and we feel it that it has been destroyed by cowards who do not understand the significance of the Constitution of the United States and have systematically worked to dismantle it.

You, Mr "President" have played a major role in that dismantling and so we are compelled by duty to our country and the dignity of its citizens, to deliver this message to you.

As of the first of next month we will no longer belong to the federal union of united states and we declare that each state is a country onto itself, though we reserve the option of cooperating with other states when there is a benefit and we also are considering forming a new United States, without the federal government, because we feel as a collective, that the federal government is of no use to us, any longer.

The opening words to the Declaration of Independence state it better; "When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary to dissolve the political bonds which have bound us . . . "

[Link here to read article Secession madness! Now 40 states join petition fray: More than a half-million want their states out of the USA]

America :
To secede from the Marxist Union of the United States
would take Civil War (Nov 15, 2012)

Mr "President", we are no longer bound and we declare ourselves free. It is the unanimous decision of the governors of all 50 states who met in Las Vegas, recently, to discuss our grievances with the federal government and these 50 governors have decided that the people have had enough and so we declare that we will no longer support the unnecessary and costly wars, the unauthorized and prolonged occupations of sovereign nations and that we don't feel this is the role of the world's premiere superpower.

Americans don't want to be the bully of the world.

Americans don't want to be known as thieves who invade countries, steal oil and then commit was crimes by leaving radioactive waste behind.

Iraq is not the dumping ground for spent fuel which powers America.

Hazardous waste should be disposed of in an intelligent manner and we cannot support what you are doing any longer.

This is criminal! We think this is wrong and we think it is about time that we do something about it, but invading countries and committing war crimes is not the only reason we have for quitting the United States.

We have many other grievances which I will read in the context of this declaration.

Each state governor was asked to bring his/her grievances to the conference and they overwhelmed us with complaints about the way your administration is doing things.

There are so many grievances that it might take hours to read them all and so I will read just the most disturbing.

These grievances would make the founding fathers roll over in their graves and the American people need to hear them read, so that each can understand why it is necessary to dissolve the political bonds which have bound us for more than two centuries.

The founding fathers limited the federal government to just five powers and over the years this list of powers has grown to the point that collecting rain water on one's own property is now illegal and this law was passed without the final approval of the People. We would never have approved such a ridiculous law.

Can Texas Secede? Judge Napolitano says yes

The federal government has gone too far and it's time to stop and reverse the damage and the overstepping that these 50 governors see and report in this declaration of resignation.

Congress does not serve the People anymore and we don't need them, so in the divorce, you can have them and you can pay their lavish retirement programs.

Maybe the CIA can kick in some of the profits from their lucrative child trafficking business or their heroin trade so that retiring congressmen can enjoy the good life, after betraying us all these years, but for us, the answer is no, and we won't pay anything to these traitors. They aren't worth our spit!

International Child Trafficking (the Finders) and the CIA
(Ret. FBI Head, Ted Gunderson)

The problem today is, the government doesn't fear the People and it should, because we always had the option of dropping out, if we ever felt that our opinion was not being considered in the governing of us.

You might have given us final say on all legislation, if you wanted us to remain in the union, but today congress votes for legislation, without even reading the bills and bills become laws which were written by corporations and this has to end.

We have no confidence in Democrats and Republicans.

The best way to end this is by secession, not violent revolution, because you own all the arsenals and all the ammunition suppliers.

You control the gun licensing and permits to carry firearms.

In fact, you control every aspect of our lives and you're on track to tie up any loose end that may provide us with a modicum of freedom and that's part of the problem. We see government committing crimes and then the governmental agencies look to us as the carriers of the weapons.

Did you think we would just accept the TSA looking for the real terrorists, as if nobody knows the truth about September 11, 2001 (9/11)

Mr President, many of us know the truth and we think you know it too.

We think you're covering up and we don't trust you, any more!

You could not put enough fluorine in our drinking water to make us all believe the lies about 9/11 or any of the other false flag inside job terrorist attacks. Link here for info on Fluoride poisoning by our governments

Professional Perspectives: Fluoride in Tap Water

The people are aware that 9/11 was an inside job and that the Omission Commission was a sham.

If you want to prove your innocence, we can have a trial but we are sure that you don't want any hearing in which the mountain of condemning evidence might be brought forward for all to see.

We are certain that you'd much rather move on as you said, when you revealed for the first time that you don't need (intend) to keep your campaign promise to look into the 9/11, False Flag, CIA, Mossad planned terrorist attack in which our government killed our people on our own soil and arrests should have been made, but instead we got the Patriot Act and the Department of Homeland Security which brought us the TSA and bullets by the billions.

Hollow point bullets! These are for killing People! Who are you planning to kill and why do you need 2 billion bullets? Are there 2 billion terrorists in the CIA or did you have in mind to put 8 bullets into the heads of each American citizen? If you shoot each American at the base of his skull, as they do in other dictatorships, wouldn't one bullet do? Why 8 bullets? Why waste taxpayers money? [the DHS has purchased enough bullets over the last 10 months to wage a full scale war for almost 30 years]

Feds Buy 2 Billion Rounds of Ammunition
And Almost 3000 Armoured Vehicles ( 2013-04-10 )
The massive purchasing in stockpiling of ammunition by the DHS can only be a red alert warning that the federal agency is planning on waging a massive war with the American people.

Just use one bullet! When the Chinese killed students who wanted freedom, they used one bullet.

Why do you need eight? Do you want to make sure we're dead? You don't have to use any bullets!

You have our water contaminated with toxic industrial waste [fluoride] from the aluminum industry so Alcoa doesn't have to pay to dispose of wastes so toxic that there is no place on earth to ship them, so you dump them into our drinking water? Link here for info on Fluoride poisoning by our governments

Fluoride is Toxic Waste (LITERALLY)

Mr President, what is Codex Alimentarius all about? Some say it will insure that we get no nutrition! Is this true? Where will your family eat if our food lacks the necessary nutrition? Are you planning to have special food flown in for your family while American families are forced to eat food that lacks the required nutrition? [Already the president of the US and other world leader have GMO-free foods flown in for themselves and their families - They know how bad GMO foods are! ]

Why use bullets when you have already arranged for secret compartments on commercial jets so you can spray us with barium, aluminum oxide, and strontium? [chemtrails] Link here to view topic on Chemtrails.

What in the World Are They Spraying?
We are being sprayed with toxic substances without our consent and, to add insult to injury, they are lying to us about it.

Do you really need to put a bullet in our heads, when you have the sky covered?

Who could hate human beings so much that they create health problems like this?

Who backs you Mr President? Aliens?

Dr Bota also found that you're reaching us by our veins and she found pig virus in vaccines given to our children.

What kind of government poisons children?

The virus causes wasting away and we would like to know who authorized you to infect children with pig virus?

[Link here to view topic Vaccines and website National Vaccine Information Center

Did the People approve this or just the FDA, the USDA and the EPA?

It appears that you have weaponized vaccines, the air that we breathe, commercial jets and you're using nutrition laws to make sure we aren't healthy and we just want to know why Mr President?

It seems like an alien influence.

What do you have against humans? Is this why you won't disclose to us that UFOs and aliens are real?

Explain it or you could be arrested and charged with attempted murder, millions of counts and you could get 10 years for each one of them.

How long do you think you will live Mr President? How would you like to spend the rest of your life in prison, without the possibility of parole?

When I get through reading this list, you will see that we have many charges against you, and many others in government, going back to the 1960s.

All of you are in trouble and are now facing prosecution for all of your crimes.

Are you worried Mr President? Do you fear the people yet?

This list is about telling the people the truth about everything.

You and your cohorts have pumped out the propaganda since you took office and since the previous administration did the same, we figure you're not really the one who controls things.

There has to be someone behind you, telling you what law to pass next and we presume they have total control of Congress as well.

In 1963, the same mafia had so much power and control that they murdered the President [John F Kennedy] in broad daylight with cameras rolling and they instructed the CIA and the FBI to cover it up.

Then they ordered the Supreme Court to blame it all on one guy with a junk rifle who allegedly fird from behind, through trees and miraculously hit the President in the front of his head.

Nobody today believes this rubbish.

What we believe, Mr President, is that there was a conspiracy to murder the President and we suspect it had something to do with the Federal Reserve and the United States Notes that President Kennedy had printed up in order to relieve the Federal Reserve of their monopoly on the nation's currency. And so they killed him over this and the United States Notes died with him, didn't they?

Assassinated American Presidents By The Fed and Bankers

What do you believe Mr President? Where were you in 1963 when Americans were getting the news? Were you in Kenya of Indonesia?

50 States Tender Their Resignation
From The United States Corporation
Part 2 (Grievances 1-17)
We don't like having a president who doesn't have his proper papers. We saw your fake birth certificate from Hawaii and it was a sloppy CIA counterfeit. Can't they do any better than that? It failed every test. Do you still claim that it's authentic and would you like a hearing with experts to prove it or do you just want to move on again like a con man who's been caught, again, committing fraud? We're all dying to know!

I have a list here and I think I'd better read it before we run out of time. To the man who lives in the White House, without proper papers, to the man who signed over 920 executive papers, as if he was a banana republic dictator, to the man who granted himself the right to kill any American at any time for any reason, we issue this proclamation on behalf of these 50 united states, known legally as the United States Corporation to those who rig our elections and deny the people final say over the laws passed in this country.

UNITED STATES is a Corporation
There are Two Constitutions - Sovereignty
The UNITED STATES of AMERICA is a corporation. Go to the UNITED STATES CODE (note the capitalization, indicating the corporation, not the Republic) Title 28 3002 (15) (A) (B) (C). It is stated unequivocally that the UNITED STATES is a corporation.

Lincoln made first executive order as ceasar of the USA and made himself President Dictator and president of the Corporation ending the republic. We have been living under martial law ever since.

FDR even passed law that all US Citizens are the enemy of the USA. The US is bankrupt and has been since 1933, The Recievers of the US Bankruptcy is the INT Bankers via the World Bank, UN, and IMF

All US offices, officers and Depts are working under a "defacto" status only under the emergency war powers. This new form of government is known as a democracy (Instead of Republic) being and established communist/socialist order under the "The New Governor of America" - Congressional Record March 17th, 1993, Vol 33, Page H-1303. It is established fact that the US Fed Government has been disolved under the Emergency Banking Act March 9, 1933 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719 Declared by FDR

Being Bankrupt and insolvent H.J.R. 192, 73rd. Congress in session June 5, 1933- Joint Resolution to suspend the Gold Standard and Abrogate the Gold Clause - Dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the US and the official capacities of all US Gov Offices Officers and Depts and is further evidence the the US Fed Gov only exist today in Name only. US being in Martial Law since 1933 and as far back as civil war Senate Report 93-549 (1973)

Us Citizens Declared Enemies of US By FDR ex ord 2040 and ratified by congress march 9th 1933 48 Stat 1. FDR changed the meaning of TRADING WITH THE ENEMY ACT of dec 6th 1917 by changing the word "without" to citizens "within"the US. a Legal Name is a "Prisoner of War" Name. Fictitious "nom de guerre" name for a non-living entity: also referred to as the strawman (research strawman on the internet) and or transmitting utility. JOHN DOE -Name in all caps which is format called Capitus Dimenutio Maxima

Capitus Diminutio Maxima (Maximum Diminished Status) means that a mans condition changes from freedom to bondage and becomes a slave or item of inventory - Blacks Law Dictionary Revised 4th Ed. 1968. A fictional persona being surety for the debt as fiction in commerce also known as "Ens Legis" which means "legal entity" It is non-human and "civilly dead". That is not you... unless you are a fiction. Realize with your REAL EYES ;)

1. AGENDA 21/ Sustainable Development Explained: North America - US - Canada - Nova Scotia (It is recommended that you read this 1st)

AGENDA 21/ SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: Population Cut/ Cull (kill) Part 1
(They want to kill us, You should question, Vaccines, Fluoride, Water, GMOs, Chemtrails, Morgellons - GMO/Chemtrail desease.

AGENDA 21/ SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: Population Cut/ Cull (kill) Part 2
(Morgellons, Meat, Aspartame, No home gardens, Planned vitamin, mineral and organic food ban, Smart meters, Cancer cures, Pollution free energy and cars, Abortion, After birth abortion, Denying medical care, Killing our own troops, Gun control)

We hereby resign membership as the world's cruel and wish to distinguish from this evil empire for the following reasons:

1. We are tired of the Constitutional violations.

2. We can see that the purpose of the Patriot Act was to eviscerate (disembowel or deprive of its essential content) the Bill of Rights and we can't tolerate this any longer! We want those who voted for the Patriot Act held accountable, charged with violating their oath to the Constitution, and, if found guilty, hanged in public, if that's what the court decided. The Patriot Act is our second reason.

3. We see how the Federal Reserve causes inflation, waters down the currency, erodes the purchasing power and discourages savings. The Federal Reserve charges interest on money they did not earn and therefore did not lend. This is robbing the people and the Federal Reserve has no accountability to the people who are affected by these parasitic actions.

Since we feel that there is no way within the system to dispose of the Federal Reserve, we must secede from the federal union to end the Federal Reserve and put an end to an illegal and unconstitutional government which has gone far beyond reasonable limits as laid by the US Constitution.

We feel we have strayed too far from the Constitution and we need to get back on track and we don't see any way of doing this from within the system with representatives who don't represent us and with an overwhelming number of government agencies whose purpose seems to be to support the dictatorship and we want to call this era to an end finally. It's about time!

4. The IRS - This mafia and their tactics must be brought to an end. This private company must be put out of business, and this is a high priority indeed. We must get this done and we are powerless as a people when the government pays no attention to what we want or need and does what whatever it pleases, more and more often, against our wishes. We have no hope of putting an end to the IRS, the income tax, and the unconstitutional confiscation of the peoples' wages from within the system and so Mr Puppet "President" we tender out resignation from the union as the final solution.

Secession is perceived as the only answer for our 50 state governors who have signed this proclamation. They speak as one unit and say, "We quit! We don't want any more IRS and there is no law on the books requiring any American working in America to file an income tax form or to pay anything to the IRS. "

The IRS is guilty of intimidation and has been used as a weapon dating back to the Nixon Administration and even during the time of Al Capone. This private company has made felony seizures of private property from the citizens of this land and has coerced Sheriffs across the country to commit very serious crimes against the people by coming out in force and demanding the aforementioned private property. This is wrong and it is reason #4 for our resignation and secession from the federal union. The IRS has become too greedy and has become nothing less than a mafia which extracts the wealth of the people like gangsters. We've had it with the IRS and we see no other way to get rid of them other than secession.

5. The federal government has allowed the TSA to steal private property from law abiding citizens who provide no reason to believe they are terrorists, yet the federal government set up the TSA and like a crime syndicate allows thefts from citizens in America and this has to end. These are illegal searched and seizures! They are unconstitutional and it is clear that you have no regard, whatsoever, for the Constitution.

Secession is the only recourse we find plausible and so we met in Las Vegas and decided that we'd pull out and stoop funding your war machine which enriches a handful of greedy men while impoverishing an entire nation. The TSA is our 5th reason for seceding.

6. We feel the DHS, Department of Homeland Security, is unnecessary, costly and designed not to protect Americans from terrorism, but is a front for control. The terrorism is being done by the CIA and we can prove it. If you care to bring this before a judge, we'd be glad to present our evidence. We secede because of the DHS and that's our 6th reason for seceding.

7. We feel the US Patent Office has been turned into a means to confiscate inventions which threaten fascist relationships with big companies and free enterprise is only a memory of a land that was. Inventors have been killed and threatened, robbed and silenced and by seceding we put an end to this practice. Each state is now free to invite inventors to bring their inventions and they will be recognized, appreciated and welcomed to the new land of the free, where free energy is not denied to the public and inventors are not murdered, robbed or threatened. Our states will not seize free energy devices on the grounds of "national security" . Our national security resides in our freedom to invent and bring labor-saving devices to the marketplace, not in murdering inventors and seizing their free energy inventions. This is our 7th reason for seceding from the union.

8. Mr Puppet "President" YOU HAVE NO BITH CERTIFICATE to prove that you are qualified to lead this country and you are therefore not our leader. You are a fraud. You have committed crimes against the people here and you should be in prison. Whose job is it to lock you up? Whoever he is, he's not doing his job and he also should be locked up. Someone has made it very difficult to arrest the president when he's committing crimes against the people. I'm not sure we need to impeach a president who never qualified to be the president in the first place and arrest seems more appropriate. No valid birth certificate is our 8th reason for seceding from the union.

9. We are sick of the rigged elections and this is our 9th reason for seceding from the union. We had two presidential candidate in 2012 and both were evil. We were forced to pick "lesser of two evils" and some Americans voted because they think they should as active participants in a system that has gotten way off track and needs to be set straight again. We hereby set this country straight by dissolving the federal union of 50 states and tomorrow morning we're going to rejoin, without an invitation to the federal government, because we feel we're much better off without one!

That government is best that governs least.

10. How dare you allow the United Nations (UN) to control the USA! Why do we have a congress? Who the hell are you to tell us you can take us to war without the consent of the people or vote by congress? ! Did it occur to you that we might drop out of the union if we are not consulted on such important matters as war? You have a nerve to tell us that the United Nations (UN) will decide if we go to war, when and with whom?

11. What right do you have to medicate us, without our consent? I'm talking about Fluoridation of water, Rat poison, Insecticide. Without any evidence what so ever that ingested fluoride improves the health of teeth, you would put this toxic and hazardous industrial waste into our drinking water without our consent? Without scientific facts? Some people cite studies that fluoridation of the water is causing bone problems, mental disorders, general health maladies. Where do you get off dumping hazardous materials into our drinking water? Did anyone give you the right to do this? Our 11th reason for resigning our states from the federal system is fluoridation of our drinking water, without scientific study or our consent.

12. Than you allow Monsanto to dump Genetically Modified Organism (GMO)seeds on us in order to affect fertility of humans and alter our genes and we think this is another bold step by a government that's out of step with the people and out of line with the provisions of our Constitution and so we quit! This is reason #12

13. We don't like the fact that Monsanto writes Legislation and Congress just rubber stamps it. If this is how you're going to treat us than we resign and this is #13

14. We feel that lobbyist have influenced our Decision Makers and corrupted them. This has to end and this is #14.

15. We see the fence around the White House and we realize this means that government is Out of Touch With the People, cordoned off denied access and like the Great Wall of China, is causing us to drift backwards and we don't like the trend, so we're going to resign, because government is out of touch with the People. We no longer matter and so we're going to quit. And that's our 15th reason for seceding.

"Seceding", not succeeding! Succeeding, is later!

16. Besides Rigged Elections, we feel the election system is corrupt in many other ways and we don't like seeing every president a member on the Council on Foreign relations. Why is that? How does this serve the people? If the federal government feels no need to serve the needs of the people, than we resign. The federal government can try to make it, without the 50 states. I believe the People are the main event and the federal government is NOTHING WITHOUT US! We are seceding because of the corrupt election process and this is #16

17. When there is a presidential election, we expect it to be open to all contenders, not just those who want to dismantle the US Constitution, take us to war with Iran and pass a carbon tax. If there is no Constitutional Candidate, there is no reason for us to remain in this system and 50 states hereby resign. This is reason #17. No constitutional Candidates running for office of President.

Not only the media is to blame but also the rigged voting process
Link here to view Democracy Destroyed: Election Frauds Canada and US

50 States Tender Their Resignation
From The United States Corporation

Part 3 Grievances (18-25)

18. The government gives us the right to bear arms and when then the government becomes a tyrant, we're suppose to take up the fight against the government, but the Constitution doesn't tell us anything about the flash point. When government is putting pig virus into our vaccines, I'd say that's the flash point and it's time to secede from the union.

Why does government put pig virus in vaccines and why weren't we informed of this? We'd like to know if the children of those in government were given the same vaccines or did they get the vaccines ITHOUT pig virus? We have a right to know and we'd also like to know what government could possibly have against little children? Who authorizes egregious crimes such as this. This is our 18th grievance against the government: pig virus in out vaccines.

19. We look up into the sky and see Chemtrails coming from commercial jets. Do these pilots know about the secret compartments which were installed for this purpose? Would those pilots agree with spraying Americans with toxic chemicals. Did you have problems finding pilots to fly these missions before one of your geniuses came up the idea of using toilet trucks to deliver the deadly chemicals onto commercial jets without anyone getting suspicious?

In the new United States we will organize a citizens' group to inspect those toilet trucks to make sure they are not loading barium, aluminium oxide, strontium or any other hazardous material onto commercial jets. We will provide pilots with a copy of our inspection report so they have some confidence that they are not flying sordid missions unaware of it.

We don't want to be part of any government which does this to its citizens. No more will we allow your conspiracy of high level criminals to spray American citizens with toxic chemicals using commercial airlines. Is this why you put the TSA at airports? Are you trying to kill airlines profits so you can take over the airlines as you did the automobile industry? Do you feel this would make it easier to spray us without us knowing? Are you afraid that private airlines would not allow you to do this? Do you fear that they may one day discover that commercial jets have been retrofitted with secret compartments to spray these chemicals on us? Do you fear that the airlines might protest so you put in the TSA to kill their business to take them over?

I've heard many people tell others "Just don't fly!" and that's their solution, but where does that lead? It leads to bankruptcies of the airlines, then a taxpayer bailout so the Nazis don't have to come out of pocket with any of their own money and then the Nazis government owns Swastika Airlines and then they can spray barium and strontium on the citizens without impedance!

No Mr "President"! We will not allow you to do this and our 19th reason for secession is your spraying of toxic chemicals on us! When the day comes that a private and impartial citizens' group cannot inspect the toilet trucks which loads these chemicals and a citizen group cannot inspect those secret compartments on commercial jets, then that's the day we secede from the union.

That day Mr "President" has arrived and we tender out resignation from the United States which has a criminal federal government that knows no limits on the evil deeds and the deadly destruction of out civilization. This is so inhuman that one might suspect it's alien intelligence behind it. Why don't you tell us the truth? Are aliens spraying our skies? What is the point? What are the long range effects of these chemicals in the environment? What else is in these chemicals? Nanoparticles designed to make us all unhealthy? Are we going to drop dead all over the place as the Plaiadians predicted in the Henoch Prophecies?

If we can't inspect the toilet trucks on the tarmac of the airports, then we don't want to be part your system and you're going to have to go out and find 50 other states to take our place. We resign and chemtrails are our 19th reason.

20. What right do you have to kidnap American kids use them for assassinations in the MK- ULTRA program? Who gave you this right? Why does Brice Taylor say that you kidnapped her and used her as a child prostitute serving high level government and entertainment figures? How much does the CIA make off little girl? We see no hope in asking you to stop this practice and so we want to stop funding the CIA and other government agencies which help to cover up such crimes and secession seems to be the most effective way to achieve this objective. So this is our 20th reason for seceding. We are beyond reconciliation on this very important issue involving kids. We don't want government taking kids for this purpose! What's next? Body organ harvesting? Is that why you wanted a total governmental takeover of the entire health care industry? Where will you draw the line?

We feel it is very dangerous to put so much power into the hands of a government that we don't trust and so MK-Ultra and the kidnapping of children is our 20th reason for seceding from the union and reforming our 50 united states without a federal government that is so unimaginatively evil as this. Our children are our future and we don't want government in control of them.

21 What we expect from government is the truth and we don't accept your excuse that we would panic if we knew the truth about UFOs and aliens. We know that they have been visiting us for many centuries. . . .[Link here to view topic "Aliens" are Satan's Fallen Angels and/or Demons]

Proof Aliens UFOs are Demonic Beings
George Knapp interviews Nick Redfern on secret group Collins Elite a United States agency, Area 51 call and Demonic UFO/Beings Footage

Fallen Angels, Demons and Alien Deception
Lynn Marzulli

Your failure to tell us the truth about UFOs and aliens is our 21st reason to secede!

50 States Tender Their Resignation
From The United States Corporation
Part 4 (Grievances 26-32)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Part 1 - AGENDA 21/ SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: Pushback - People are waking up

Part 1
Pushback - People are waking up!

* Alert ! New Post - Obama Serves 14 State Governors with Warnings of Arrest (1st video posted below)

Part 1: Constitutional expert, the state governments, sheriffs

 Part 2: The oath keepers in the police - military - militia, and whistleblowers

Link here for Part 2

Link here to view related topics:

1. AGENDA 21/ Sustainable Development Explained: North America - US - Canada - Nova Scotia (It is recommended that you read this 1st)

2. AGENDA 21/ SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: Population Cut/ Cull (kill) Part 1
(They want to kill us, You should question, Vaccines, Fluoride, Water, GMOs (Genetically Modified Foods) , Chemtrails, Morgellons - GMO/Chemtrail desease. * ALERT ! ! !* Russian leader Putin has threatened Obama with World War 3 over continued use of GMOs (Genetically Modified Foods)

3. AGENDA 21/ SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: Population Cut/ Cull (kill) Part 2
(Morgellons, Meat, Aspartame, No home gardens, Planned vitamin, mineral and organic food ban, Smart meters, Cancer cures, Pollution free energy and cars, Abortion, After birth abortion, Denying medical care, Killing our own troops, Gun control)

4. AGENDA 21/ SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: Pushback - People are waking up Part 1
(States, Governors, Sheriffs)

5. AGENDA 21/ SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: Pushback - People are waking up Part 2
(Militia, Military, Whistleblowers)

6. Agenda 21/Sustainable Development: The Bigger picture



9. American Policy Center


PART 1 -This page
1. Constitutional Expert:

2. State Sovereignty: IMPORTANT NEW POST ! ! ! MAY 9, 2013
Alert ! New Aug 2013 - Obama Serves 14 State Governors with Warnings of Arrest

3. Sheriffs: New POSTS  JULY 12, 2013

PART 2 (link above)
4. OathKeepers (Military and Militia): NEW POST !!! May 9th 2013

5. Whistleblowers

Obama Serves 14 State Governors with Warnings of Arrest
- And Why is this Not Front Page News?
5:50 -When federal judge told prosecuting attorneys " I'm about to declare the Patriot Act unconstitutional.  Do you still want to go after these 2 ladies for discussing this warrant." Suddenly this case disappeared.
I am sorry this judge gave them a chance to back out - This judge should have gone forward with the action that he knew was right instead of giving them a way out!

May 7, 2013
by Ken Larive
Barack Hussein Obama had served 14-State Governors in the United States, National Security Letters (NSLs) warning that the Governor’s actions in attempting to form “State Defense Forces” needs to be halted “immediately” or they will face arrest for the crime of treason. The employment of NSLs was authorized by the Patriot Act introduced by George W. Bush. Contained within the section related to these letters, it is forbidden for anyone receiving a NSL warning to even acknowledge the existence of said communication !

Obama is angered by the several State Governors who have re-established “State Defense Forces.” These forces are described as: “State Defense Forces (also known as State Guards, State Military Reserves, State Militias) in the United States are military units that operate under the sole authority of a state government; they are not regulated by the National Guard Bureau nor are they part of the Army National Guard of the United States. State Defense Forces are authorized by state and federal law and are under the command of the governor of each state. State Defense Forces are distinct from their state’s National Guard in that they cannot become federal entities.”

Mr. Obama is fearful of these State Defense Forces, in that he does not have control of said forces, and with the U.S. Military stretched to near breaking from multiple deployments and theatre actions in Iraq and Afghanistan, these State military forces would be under the direct command and authority of the Governors in which states have said forces. In essence, the Governors would have “de facto control” of the United States.

The two Governors leading this move are: Tim Pawlenty, Governor of Minnesota; and Rick Perry, Governor of Texas. Both of these State Governors stated they have: “…deep fear the President is destroying their Nation.”

Governor Pawlenty’s fear of Obama is that since Obama took office he has appeased America’s enemies and has shunned some of America’s strongest allies, especially Israel. Governor Perry has declared that Obama is punishing his State of Texas by dumping tens-of-thousands of illegal Mexican immigrants into the cities and small towns of Texas. Governor Perry further recently stated: “If Barack Obama’s Washington doesn’t stop being so oppressive, Texans might feel compelled to renounce their American citizenry and secede from the union.”

Obama fearing a revolution against him by the states, has moved swiftly by nationalizing nearly all National Guard Forces in multiple states; Georgia, Alabama, Kansas, Minnesota, Tennessee, Virginia, Louisiana, South Carolina – to name a few. The Governors of the Great States of Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia still have under their Command-and-Control the State Defense Forces to go against U.S. Federal forces should the need arise. Also important to note: There are NO U.S. laws prohibiting National Guard troops from also joining their State’s Defense Forces. This dilemma occurred during the Civil War with many “citizen soldiers” choosing to serve their states instead of the Federal Government.

This is a fluid and still developing situation that warrants close attention.

Sovereignty Lost:
It Is a Privilege Merely To Stand On This Soil Of Freedom,
While It Is Still Free

1. Constitutional Expert:

Dr. Edwin Vieira Explains
States Rights and Personal Liberties 1/4

Dr. Edwin Vieira Explains
States Rights and Personal Liberties 2/4

Dr. Edwin Vieira Explains
States Rights and Personal Liberties 3/4

Dr. Edwin Vieira Explains
States Rights and Personal Liberties 4/4

4-OCCUPY THE RABBIT HOLE...change begins with truth

Gubernare = Control = Govern
Mente = Mind = ment
Therefore government = Control of the mind or Mind control

2. State Sovereignty:

Important 2 NEW POST ! ! ! ! !
Obama Serves 14-State Governors With Warnings of Arrest: And why is this not front page news?
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Barack Hussein Obama had served 14-State Governors in the United States, National Security Letters (NSLs) warning that the Governor’s actions in attempting to form “State Defense Forces” needs to be halted “immediately” or they will face arrest for the crime of treason. The employment of NSLs was authorized by the Patriot Act introduced by George W. Bush. Contained within the section related to these letters, it is forbidden for anyone receiving a NSL warning to even acknowledge the existence of said communication.

Obama is angered by the several State Governors who have re-established “State Defense Forces.” These forces are described as: “State Defense Forces (also known as State Guards, State Military Reserves, State Militias) in the United States are military units that operate under the sole authority of a state government; they are not regulated by the National Guard Bureau nor are they part of the Army National Guard of the United States.

State Defense Forces are authorized by state and federal law and are under the command of the governor of each state. State Defense Forces are distinct from their state’s National Guard in that they cannot become federal entities.”

Mr. Obama is fearful of these State Defense Forces, in that he does not have control of said forces, and with the U.S. Military stretched to near breaking from multiple deployments and theatre actions in Iraq and Afghanistan, these State military forces would be under the direct command and authority of the Governors in which states have said forces. In essence, the Governors would have “de facto control” of the United States. [According to the US Constitution, this is the way it is suppose to be ]

The two Governors leading this move are: Tim Pawlenty, Governor of Minnesota; and Rick Perry, Governor of Texas. Both of these State Governors stated they have: “…deep fear the President is destroying their Nation.” Governor Pawlenty’s fear of Obama is that since Obama took office he has appeased America’s enemies and has shunned some of America’s strongest allies, especially Israel. Governor Perry has declared that Obama is punishing his State of Texas by dumping tens-of-thousands of illegal Mexican immigrants into the cities and small towns of Texas. Governor Perry further recently stated: “If Barack Obama’s Washington doesn’t stop being so oppressive, Texans might feel compelled to renounce their American citizenry and secede from the union.”

Obama fearing a revolution against him by the states, [They have a legal right to do so.] has moved swiftly by nationalizing nearly all National Guard Forces in multiple states; Georgia, Alabama, Kansas, Minnesota, Tennessee, Virginia, Louisiana, South Carolina – to name a few. The Governors of the Great States of Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia still have under their Command-and-Control the State Defense Forces to go against U.S. Federal forces should the need arise.

Also important to note: There are NO U.S. laws prohibiting National Guard troops from also joining their State’s Defense Forces. This dilemma occurred during the Civil War with many “citizen soldiers” choosing to serve their states instead of the Federal Government.

This is a fluid and still developing situation that warrants close attention.

Governor Rick Perry
Gov. Perry: Texas wants its gold back from the Federal Reserve
March 27, 2013

Texas Gov Rick Perry told Glenn Beck on his radio show last week that he wants the state’s $1 billion in gold reserves back from the Federal Reserve.

State Rep Giovanni Capriglione is sponsoring a bill that would establish the Texas Bullion Depository, a state-based bank to house the gold bars owned by the University of Texas Investment Management Company, the Texas Tribune  reports.

Mr Capriglione told the Texas Tribune that the measure is “not about putting Texas on its own gold standard, [but instead will] give the state a reputation as being more financially secure in the event of a national or international financial crisis.”

Mr. Perry said his state was “in the [legislative] process” of “bringing gold that belongs to the state of Texas back into the state.”

“If we own it,” the governor said, “I will suggest to you that that’s not someone else’s determination whether we can take possession of it back or not.”

Alabama Adopts First Official State Ban on UN Agenda 21
Monday, 04 June 2012
Alabama became the first state to adopt a tough law protecting private property and due process by prohibiting any government involvement with or participation in a controversial United Nations scheme known as Agenda 21. Activists from across the political spectrum celebrated the measure’s approval as a significant victory against the UN “sustainability” plot, expressing hope that similar sovereignty-preserving measures would be adopted in other states as the nationwide battle heats up.

The Alabama Senate Bill (SB) 477 legislation, known unofficially among some supporters as the “Due Process for Property Rights” Act, was approved unanimously by both the state House and Senate. After hesitating for a few days, late last month Republican Governor Robert Bentley finally signed into law the wildly popular measure — but only after heavy pressure from activists forced his hand.

Virtually no mention of the law was made in the establishment press. But analysts said the measure was likely the strongest protection against the UN scheme passed anywhere in America so far. The law, aimed at protecting private property rights, specifically prevents all state agencies and local governments in Alabama from participating in the global scheme in any way.

"The State of Alabama and all political subdivisions may not adopt or implement policy recommendations that deliberately or inadvertently infringe or restrict private property rights without due process, as may be required by policy recommendations originating in, or traceable to 'Agenda 21,' " the law states, adding a brief background on the UN plan hatched at the 1992 “Earth Summit” in Rio de Janeiro.

The people of Alabama acting through their elected representatives — not UN bureaucrats — have the authority to develop the state’s environmental and development policies, the official synopsis of the law explains. Therefore, infringements on the property rights of citizens linked to any other international law or ancillary plan of action that contravenes the Constitution of the United States or the Constitution of the State of Alabama are also prohibited under the new measure.

Of course, as the law points out, the UN has enlisted a broad array of non-governmental and inter-governmental organizations in its effort to foist Agenda 21 on the world — most notably a Germany-based group called ICLEI, formerly known as the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives. But the new measure takes direct aim at that problem, too: “the State of Alabama and all political subdivisions may not enter into any agreement, expend any sum of money, or receive funds contracting services, or giving financial aid to or from” any such entities, as defined in Agenda 21 documents.

“This bill, that would bar the state from taking over private property without due process, is intended to shelter Alabamians from the United Nations Agenda 21, a sustainable development initiative that some conservatives see as a precursor for the creation of a world government,” explained Alabama GOP Executive Director T.J. Maloney when announcing that it had been signed into law.

The Republican National Committee (RNC) adopted a resolution earlier this year blasting the global scheme and urging policy makers to oppose it, and state parties have followed suit.

Public support for the Alabama law was overwhelming and bipartisan as citizens who had been terrorized by Agenda 21-linked schemes targeting their private property spoke out. But according to analysts and state Republican Party officials cited in press reports, Gov. Bentley was originally hesitant to sign the bill — almost certainly due to concerns over the potential loss of some federal funding.

The U.S. Senate, of course, has never formally ratified Agenda 21. But the executive branch — in conjunction with accomplices at the international, state, and local levelshas for two decades been quietly attempting to impose the plan on Americans by stealth, mostly using deceptive terms like “Smart Growth” and “Green.” And proponents of the global scheme consistently threaten that states seeking to protect citizens from the UN plot could end up losing some federal funds.

“Every time you take a dollar of federal money, there’s strings attached,” explained Ken Freeman, chairman of the Alabama-based group Alliance for Citizens Rights (ACR), an organization that fought hard to ensure that the Governor signed the bill into law. “We were originally walking soft on this issue, to tell you the truth, because when things were going our way, why change anything?”

But when Gov. Bentley did not immediately approve the bill, Freeman told a reporter, ACR turned the activism up a notch, urging citizens to contact the Governor’s office and express their support for the measure. The grassroots pressure paid off: Alabama became the first state to be officially shielded by law from UN-linked anti-property rights scheming.

“It seems that Agenda 21 does actually bring people together in communities — just not in the way the U.N. had hoped for,” remarked Justice Gilpin-Green in a column for the conservative site Townhall, citing Freeman and other instrumental supporters of the effort. “Hopefully other states can mirror Alabama’s determined nature in passing their anti-Agenda 21 legislation. It was citizen awareness and direct action that finally brought about the needed changes last week and that same awareness and action will be needed for the future of every other state.”

Legislative analysts said the bill, sponsored by GOP state Sen. Gerald Dial, was extremely well crafted: protecting citizens and individual rights from UN decrees in a simple, straightforward manner that Agenda 21 advocates would have a hard time criticizing. Liberty-minded organizations and lawmakers are already examining the measure for potential use as a model in other states currently struggling to expel the global scheme and its myriad tentacles.

Alabama House Bill 618 [SB 477] is a large step towards protecting Alabamians against UN meddling. It protects the due process rights of Alabamians. It keeps Constitutional Law above International Law,” noted Jason Baker, a Montgomery-based conservative pundit with the Examiner. “Now state after state awakens to the threat it poses to freedom and sovereignty.”

Across America, Tea Party groups, liberty-minded Democrats, libertarians, and a broad coalition of activists
have been turning up the heat on Agenda 21.

Tennessee, for example, adopted a bipartisan state resolution slamming the UN scheme as an “insidious” and “socialist” plot that is completely at odds with American traditions of limited government, individual freedom, private property, and self-governance under the Constitution. Numerous other states are pursuing similar measures.

A bill similar to Alabama’s seeking a complete ban on Agenda 21 and unconstitutional UN “sustainability” efforts in Arizona was approved overwhelmingly in the state Senate. The legislation died in the state House even after clearing several hurdles, however, when the legislative session ended before a final vote could be taken. New Hampshire is reportedly working on a bill to ban Agenda 21 that sailed through the state House last month.

Meanwhile, local governments across America — under intense pressure from citizens and activist groups — are slowly awakening to what critics call the “dangers” of the UN scheme. Dozens of cities and counties have withdrawn from ICLEI in recent years, and as awareness continues to grow, that trend is expected to accelerate.

The UN, however, is doubling down on its controversial plan. In June, governments from all over the world will be meeting in Rio de Janeiro for the so-called “Conference on Sustainable Development” — known as Rio+20 for short. According to official documents released by the global body, the summit, headed by Chinese Communist Sha Zukang, will be seeking to dramatically transform human civilization under the guise of environmentalism.

Production, education, consumption, individual rights, and even people’s thoughts will all be targeted under the global plan to create a so-called “green economy,” the UN admitted. But with the tidal wave of opposition in America growing stronger every single day, analysts expect fierce U.S. opposition — if not from the Obama administration, at least from the increasingly outraged citizenry.

Sovereignty Under 10th Amendment

over half of the U.S States declare sovereignty

"We The People"s' Declaration Of Revolution 2009

To encourage everyone who is fed up with the way our government is being run, to stand up and fight for the rights and liberties our founding fathers wrote into law.

Declaring Individual Sovereignty Part I of II

Declaring Individual Sovereignty Part II of II

20 + States Declaring Sovereignty Under the 10th Amendment!!!
Pennsylvania State Rep Sam Rohrer

The 10th Amendment. It ensures that any powers not granted to the federal government through the Constitution are reserved to the states and the people. However, through various expansions of federal authority, the government in Washington, D.C., has impeded on the powers reserved to the states and the people. This significant transfer of powers from the individual states to the national government came not through revolution, but through ongoing and unchecked encroachments. Now, this federal intrusion on state sovereignty has reached a breaking point.
The Answer: Put Federal Authorities on Notice. In an attempt to proclaim and reassert Pennsylvania state government's independence and sovereignty from the federal government, I plan to introduce a House resolution reminding federal authorities about the constitutional limitations on their powers and calling on them to cease and desist with all activities that infringe on the powers reserved to the state of Pennsylvania and its citizens. This is an issue that is currently being addressed by more than 20 other states across our nation. Like our sister states, Pennsylvania must draw a line in the sand and reassert its sovereignty.
To read a copy of the resolution click the following link:

Texas Declares Sovereignty!

Texas governor affirms sovereignty under the 10th amendment - tells the Federal Government to stick it where the sun don't shine.

Judge Andrew Napolitano on Texas Secession

States Fight Back: Rep. Leo Berman (Texas)
on Alex Jones (2-20-09) 1/2

States Fight Back: Rep. Leo Berman (Texas)
on Alex Jones (2-20-09) 2/2

States Fight Back: Sen. Dan Patrick (Texas)
on Alex Jones (2-24-09) 1/2

States Fight Back: Sen. Dan Patrick (Texas)
on Alex Jones (2-24-09) 2/2

Oklahoma Declares Sovereignty

STATE OF OKLAHOMA 2nd Session of the 51st Legislature (2008) HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION 1089


A Joint Resolution claiming sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over certain powers; serving notice to the federal government to cease and desist certain mandates; and directing distribution.

WHEREAS, the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States reads as follows:

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."; and

WHEREAS, the Tenth Amendment defines the total scope of federal power as being that specifically granted by the Constitution of the United States and no more; and

WHEREAS, the scope of power defined by the Tenth Amendment means that the federal government was created by the states specifically to be an agent of the states; and

WHEREAS, today, in 2008, the states are demonstrably treated as agents of the federal government; and

WHEREAS, many federal mandates are directly in violation of the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States; and

WHEREAS, the United States Supreme Court has ruled in New York v. United States, 112 S. Ct. 2408 (1992), that Congress may not simply commandeer the legislative and regulatory processes of the states; and

WHEREAS, a number of proposals from previous administrations and some now pending from the present administration and from Congress may further violate the Constitution of the United States.


THAT the State of Oklahoma hereby claims sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the Constitution of the United States.

THAT this serves as Notice and Demand to the federal government, as our agent, to cease and desist, effective immediately, mandates that are beyond the scope of these constitutionally delegated powers.

THAT a copy of this resolution be distributed to the President of the United States, the President of the United States Senate, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate of each state's legislature of the United States of America, and each member of the Oklahoma Congressional Delegation.

Charles Key (Oklahoma)  1/2 
Charles Key (Oklahoma)  2/2

States Fight Back: Rep. Charles Key (Oklahoma)
on Alex Jones (2-10-09) 1/3

States Fight Back: Rep. Charles Key (Oklahoma)
on Alex Jones (2-10-09) 2/3

States Fight Back: Rep. Charles Key (Oklahoma)
on Alex Jones (2-10-09) 3/3

NH (New Hampshire) to Secede over Obama NWO Agenda

States Fight Back: Reps. Itse and Ingbretson (New Hampshire)
on Alex Jones (2-13-09) 1/4

States Fight Back: Reps. Itse and Ingbretson (New Hampshire)
on Alex Jones (2-13-09) 2/4

States Fight Back: Reps. Itse and Ingbretson (New Hampshire)
on Alex Jones (2-13-09) 3/4

States Fight Back: Reps. Itse and Ingbretson (New Hampshire)
on Alex Jones (2-13-09) 4/4

States Fight Back: Rep. Joel Boniek (Montana)
on Alex Jones (2-20-09) 1/2

States Fight Back: Rep. Joel Boniek (Montana)
on Alex Jones (2-20-09) 2/2

States Fight Back: Rep. Matt Shea (Spokane) on Alex Jones (2-9-09) 1/3

States Fight Back: Rep. Matt Shea (Spokane)
on Alex Jones
(2-9-09) 2/3

States Fight Back: Rep. Matt Shea (Spokane)
on Alex Jones
(2-9-09) 3/3

States Fight Back: Rep. Jim Guest (Missouri)
on Alex Jones (2-11-09) 1/2

States Fight Back: Rep. Jim Guest (Missouri)
on Alex Jones (2-11-09) 1/2

States Fight Back: Rep. Cynthia Davis (Missouri)
on Alex Jones (2-12-09) 1/2

States Fight Back: Rep. Cynthia Davis (Missouri)
on Alex Jones (2-12-09) 2/2

States Fight Back: Rep. Susan Lynn (Tennessee)
on Alex Jones
(3-7-09) 1/2

States Fight Back: Rep. Susan Lynn (Tennessee)
on Alex Jones (3-7-09) 2/2

FREE VT (Vermont)!

3. Sheriffs:

NEW POST JUNE 14th 2013 below

PLEASE - PLEASE - Link here and scroll down to
20. Gun Control to find out why gun control is dangerous for the life of you and your family and the real reason they government is trying to take your guns away and the stats from history that show what happens when your own government takes your guns away.

Sheriffs Across U.S. Rise Up Against Obama Regime

Sheriffs Across U.S. Rise Up Against Obama Regime. Sheriffs have risen up all over our great nation to stand up against the unconstitutional gun control measures being taken.

I call on sheriffs all over this nation to add their voices to the growing numbers of faithful protectors of our freedom. -Richard Mack

Sheriffs and associations who have made public statements committing to protect their citizens' 2nd Amendment rights from Obama's gun control efforts will be added. Some of these sheriffs are members of the CSPOA, but inclusion in this list does not necessarily mean they are a member.

Now 340 sheriffs refuse to enforce gun control

Laws are 'feel-good, knee-jerk reactions that are unenforceable'

By Garth Kant
A Colorado sheriff has joined the list of at least 340 sheriffs who have vowed to uphold the Constitution against gun-control measures that violate Americans’ Second Amendment rights.
Weld County Sheriff John Cooke said he and many other county sheriffs “won’t bother enforcing” laws poised to go into effect in Colorado because it would be impossible to keep track of whether gun owners are meeting the new requirements.
He says the laws are “feel-good, knee-jerk reactions that are unenforceable” and would “give a false sense of security.”
Cooke said he and other sheriffs are considering filing a lawsuit to block the laws.
As WND reported, similar sentiments have been expressed by Maricopa County Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio and sheriffs in Missouri, California, Kansas, Montana and in dozens of counties in several states across the country. A growing list of now more than 340 sheriffs who have reportedly vowed to uphold the Constitution against efforts to undermine Americans’ gun rights is being accumulated by the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association.
The Colorado Legislature passed a bill expanding requirements for background checks and another putting a 15-round limit on ammunition magazines. Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper is expected to sign both bills into law.
Sheriff Cooke said requiring a $10 background check to legally transfer a gun won’t stop gun violence.
“Criminals are still going to get their guns,” he said.
Cooke pointed out the other law would technically ban all magazines due to a provision outlawing magazines that can be altered. He noted that any magazine can be altered to hold more ammunition.
As WND reported just four days ago, Cooke said he is getting political pressure to support the laws.
He received an email chain pointing out that Senate Majority Leader John Morse, a Democrat, said if a salary bill were introduced, it would not be until late in the session, after the gun-control bills had been voted on.
Cooke said while he’s not willing to conclude the emails meet the legal definition of extortion, it was apparent that was the intention.
“When you look at the email, I don’t see how you could look at it any other way,” Cooke said. “It definitely implied the reason a pay raise bill was being held up was to punish us for our stance against these gun bills. Then they had another email suggesting if we were to support this bill, it would look better for us and maybe we can get a bill introduced for a raise.
“To me, that didn’t sit well at all. I’m not willing to say its extortion yet, but it just looked bad. We were not willing to compromise on our principles. We felt the bill was bad, and we were not going to support it.”
The sheriff’s pushback against the gun measures is significant because Democratic lawmakers are crafting similar bills in other states.
“Colorado is a pawn for the Obama-Biden plan,” he added.
And, in fact, Vice-President Joe Biden called undecided Democrats and pushed for passage of the bills.
“He’s watching us, and if we had a chance to move these bills forward, what an important signal it would send to the rest of the country if a Western conservative state passes such legislation,” said Democratic state Rep. Tony Exum Sr. of Colorado Springs.
The bills are in response to the shootings last year at Aurora, Colo., and at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.
While some see these measures as models for other states, laws that preserve gun rights are gaining momentum.
Two senators in Ohio have introduced a bill which would prohibit firearms seizures, registration and bans in their state.

A bill in Kentucky would prohibit the state from enforcing new federal gun-control laws, if enacted.
Idaho’s House passed a bill that would criminalize enforcing any new federal laws than ban, restrict, confiscate or require registration of firearms or ammunition in violation of the state’s constitution.
A bill in Louisiana would prohibit the enforcement of federal restrictions regarding the ownership or possession of semi-automatic firearms.

A bill that would prohibit the enforcement of federal gun laws passed in the House Public Safety Committee in Oklahoma.

The Texas House is considering a measure to prevent state and local police from enforcing new federal gun-control measures.

The House in Kansas approved a bill prohibiting the federal government from enforcing gun laws or bans on firearms and accessories manufactured, sold or kept in the state.

A bill in Arizona would make it a felony for the federal government to enforce new laws or regulations on guns, accessories and ammunition owned or manufactured in the state.
And a bill in Michigan would exempt firearms and firearms accessories made and sold exclusively in Michigan from federal gun restrictions.

As WND recently reported, Sheriff Joe Arpaio recently said he would refuse to enforce federal government orders if it expected him to confiscate guns from private citizens.

“I took [multiple] oaths of office, and they all say I will defend the Constitution of the United States,” Arpaio told Mike Broomhead of KFYI Radio in Phoenix, Ariz. “Now if they’re going to tell the sheriff that he’s going to go around picking up guns from everybody, they’re going to have a problem. I may not enforce that federal law.”

Broomhead pushed the man sometimes called “America’s toughest sheriff” even further, asking Arpaio if the feds passed a law banning ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds, would his deputies confiscate such magazines?

“No,” Arpaio said. “My deputies, I said before, I’m going to arm all my deputies – a month ago I said before this – with automatic weapons and semi-automatic weapons. We’re going to be able to fight back. … I don’t care what they say from Washington.”

Arpaio expressed a certain camaraderie with many other sheriffs around the country who have similarly warned they will not enforce what they believe to be infringements on the citizens’ 2nd Amendment right to bear arms.

Some of the strongest language to that effect has come from Utah, where 28 of the state’s 29 elected sheriffs signed a letter to President Obama warning him not to send federal agents to start confiscating guns.

Similarly, in New Mexico in January, 30 of the state’s 33 county sheriffs paid a visit to the state house, reminding the governor and state congressmen that a sheriff’s job is to defend the Constitution, including the Second Amendment.

NEW POST JUNE 14th 2013

Sheriff Warns of Second American Revolution

California Sheriffs Threaten Feds For Usurping the Constitution!

First Signs of Civil War begin in the US: Sheriff Tony DeMeo Threatens Force Against Federal Agents

Sheriff Tony DeMeo - One

Sheriff Tony DeMeo - Two

Sheriff Tony DeMeo - Three

It began with one Sheriff speaking with other Sheriffs about their oaths to uphold the constitution. A new movement is growing in this country in support of limited government, constitutional principles, states rights and a stronger role for sheriffs to play against federal abuse of power. In this 3-part video interview with Tony DeMeo, Sheriff of Nye County, Nevada, he explains that he is a Constitutional Sheriff and that authority for public office holders is derived from the people:

In his own words Sheriff Tony DeMeo describes an incident where federal agents of the BLM threaten him with arrest while the Sheriff issues his own threats of an armed response if illegal seizures of private property in his county continue. Imagine if BLM authorities went ahead with their "normal" operations of seizing cattle found on public property in direct opposition to Sheriff Tony DeMeo warnings? We would witness a standoff with dire consequences.

SHERIFF MACK Forced Vaccine Prevention

Richard Mack, former Sheriff of Graham County, Arizona, explains how county sheriffs across the country can stop forced or mandatory vaccinations.
Sheriffs' power supercedes federal regulatory programs, as Sheriffs are NOT agents of the federal government.

The Greatest Threat to Us is Not Terrorism,
It's Our Government - Sheriff Mack 3.27.2012

at the SVARW Liberty Celebration
May 12, 2012

Sheriff Mack describes how he and six other sheriffs challenged the constitutionality of the controversial Brady Bill and won in a 5-4 US Supreme Court decision. The video also highlights Sheriff Mack's ongoing quest for defending and restoring liberty.