Friday, March 09, 2012

Education: Political Indoctrination and Deliberate Dumbing Down of Your Children

Education - Dept of Education

For some years now, we have seen a dangerous connection between the Education system and the Children's Services Department/Children Aid Societies - CAS. The reasons for these connections were not always clear, but over time, these reasons have come into focus.

Schools and teachers are used as reporters/snitches to the system. Without parent knowledge or consent, social workers come into schools to question children. Also children often are taken into custody at the schools.

Some might argue that such actions are needed in the case of children who are truly being abused or neglected, but the fact is that this happens more to totally innocent families. And understand this, children are being questioned without permission or any kind of legal counsel, and often by social workers who brazenly ask leading questions so that the workers get the answers they want. Adults are affording the protection of legal counsel. Aren't children, who are more vulnerable to manipulation and victimization, even more needful of legal counsel? Even when children are questioned at school and NOT taken into custody, parents are not informed that their children have been subjected to this ordeal and if, after the fact, the school or Children Services is questioned by the parents, they do not have to acknowledge or tell you anything !

From the very beginning, we were aware that Children Services across North America preyed on home schooled children [We will post a page on this subject in the future so look out for this]. At the time, the only understanding we could deduce from this unusally large proportion of victimized families was
government concern for a lose of funding because we were aware that funding to the education system depended on the numbers of pupils in the schools.

If you have been reading this site and following other sites concerning this subject, you will know that the money-making aspect (for various government departments, bonuses for departments heads, and profits for various private stakeholders)is unfortunately a catalyst for the seizure of children. However, though this was a possible reason, it just did not ring correct that this alone would be the reason for the concentration of child aprehensions from homeschoolers.

We have also come to know that there is a tight connection of at least 3 government departments with Children Services: the Health department , Justice department , and the Education department [ In many states and provinces this liaison is official and has been formalized.] Working in sync, they become a formidable power to take your children away !

Slowly but surely, the part the education department plays in all this is becoming clear - And it is serious and sinister and parents everywhere need to wake up - Please Please wake up!

Please take the time to work thru all the information on this page - It is VERY IMPORTANT for ALL parents, whether or not your children are taken into custody or not - This information affects us all.

First let us begin with this video, Hitler's Children - Education,and as you progress through this web page, please keep in mind what you have learned here. What is beginning to be more apparent is that there is very much a link between Communism and the New World Order. As the republic of America and the democracy of Canada [Canada is a constitutional monarchy (King/Queen as head of state), a parliamentary democracy (parliament makes law; and Canada is a democracy) as well as being a federation (provinces have powers to rule over themselves to an extent).] are morphing into obedient subjects of the New World Order, the "former" communist countries seem to be donning the cloak of the New World by opening up to world trade and commerce yet essentially pushing on towards the communists goals of a one world government.

We all need to wake up - we all need to do our own research - we all need to care enough about the children of our countries to do something - get active, speak out, and act.

Hitler's Children - Education

Never has a generation been so completely taken over by a totalitarian state as was the case in Hitler´s Third Reich: at the age of 10 children joined the "Jungvolk" movement, at 14 they joined the Hitler Youth, and at 18 they joined the party, the "Wehrmacht", the SA, or the SS. This 5-part documentary by Guido Knopp and the ZDF Contemporary History Department is the first comprehensive film portrayal of the young people in the Third Reich. With in-depth witness statements and some previously unpublished archive material, the documentary demonstrates how Hitler succeeded in gaining power over "his children" through years of manipulation.

The Dark Intentions of Public Schooling [Prussia = Germany]

This video quotes major experts, sources, and observers of the American educational system.

Charlotte Iserbyt:
The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America

Radio Show host Alex Jones talks with whistle blower Charlotte Iserbyt who served as Senior Policy Adviser in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement, U.S. Department of Education, during the first Reagan Administration. Iserbyt is the author of "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America," a chronological history of the past 100+ years of education reform. The book argues that the academic meltdown in our public education system is intentional.

Link here to download book The Dumbing Down of America

Charlotte Iserbyt is the consummate whistleblower! Iserbyt served as Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI), U.S. Department of Education, during the first Reagan Administration, where she first blew the whistle on a major technology initiative which would control curriculum in America's classrooms.

Iserbyt is a former school board director in Camden, Maine and was co-founder and research analyst of Guardians of Education for Maine (GEM) from 1978 to 2000. She has also served in the American Red Cross on Guam and Japan during the Korean War, and in the United States Foreign Service in Belgium and in the Republic of South Africa.

Iserbyt is a speaker and writer, best known for her 1985 booklet Back to Basics Reform or OBE: Skinnerian International Curriculum and her 1989 pamphlet Soviets in the Classroom: America's Latest Education Fad which covered the details of the U.S.-Soviet and Carnegie-Soviet Education Agreements which remain in effect to this day. She is a freelance writer and has had articles published in Human Events, The Washington Times, The Bangor Daily News, and included in the record of Congressional hearings.

Scroll down to bottom of this page to read extended article by Charlotte Iserbyt.

Peg Luksik:
Who Controls The Children (schools dumb down kids deliberately)

This documentary is a MUST WATCH for any home-schooler, teacher, parent or anyone interested in methods of education or anyone wondering why we as a people seem to grow less intelligent and less able with each passing generation.

Charlotte Iserbyt — Full Interview
The Secret History Of Western Education

Search: Conclusions and Recommendations for the Social Studies 1934 at

Charlotte Thompson Iserbyt served as the head of policy at the Department of Education during the first administration of Ronald Reagan. While working there she discovered a long term strategic plan by the tax exempt foundations to transform America from a nation of rugged individualists and problem solvers to a country of servile, brainwashed minions who simply regurgitate whatever they're told.

This exclusive interview with Iserbyt breaks down how conditioning/training under a corporate agenda has replaced traditional education, leading to a deliberate dumbing down of Americans. Iserbyt further explains how Reagan signed agreements merging the U.S. and Soviet systems under the United Nations banner, turning over education and many other areas of public policy to global control.

This 74 minute exposé is a must see for anyone who wants to truly know why the education system is deliberately crafted to produce human drones with no critical thinking whose only skills are to be subservient, trust authority and follow orders.

Link here to read various articles by Charlotte Iserbyt 

Peg Luksik of the National Parents Commission

Howard Phillips hosts Peg Luksik to discuss the evolution of the modern school system. Luksik explains how education has been taken away from where it belongs - families and communities - and turned into a system of standardized programs dependent on the government for their funding.

Charlotte Iserbyt
Skull and Bones, The Order at Yale Revealed
and Education Connection (Full)

Link here to read Proofs of a Conspiracy
by John Robinson

Link here to read: Child Abuse in the Classroom,
edited by Phyllis Schlafly

Scroll down this page to read full text for The Leipzig Connection by Paollo Lionni

Charlotte Iserbyt breaks down the history of this secret order and reveals just how big this elite club at Yale really is and how much political power they have wield over the past 180 years!

Iserbyt unveils the connection of her father and grandfather to the elite Skull and Bones secret society, including an exclusive look at the official members list the public was never meant to see. Iserbyt also explores the research of Anthony Sutton and others who've made the connection between Skull and Bones, the Illuminati and experimental psychology from Germany that has been injected into the American education system since the late 1800s. Also in play is the elite's control of the Left-Right political paradigm, infiltration of key policy groups and backing from globalist foundations that have threatened to undermine the American way for the better part of a century.

Public "Education" has become indoctrination and distraction

People are not being educated they're being tested for levels of obedience. School is about memorizing what you are told short term and repeating it. The bulk of how you are graded is by completely daily busy work. This is for the work force the most important quality in a worker bee actually is obedience.

The Shocking Truth About Public Schools

You must understand that school is simply a social-engineering center that wants to dictate the beliefs of young children. Creativity must be halted to ensure that popular belief maintains and that people cannot see through the false facade of bankers, politicians, and many other severe issues.

The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America
Deliberate Dumbing Down of America - E Book download is NOW FREE TO ALL!!!

Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, former Senior Policy Advisor in the U.S. Department of Education, blew the whistle in the `80s on government activities withheld from the public. Her inside knowledge will help you protect your children from controversial methods and programs. In this book you will discover:

*-how good teachers across America have been forced to use controversial, non-academic means

*-how "school choice" is being used to further dangerous reform goals, and how home schooling and private education are especially vulnerable.

*-how workforce training (school-to-work) is an essential part of an overall plan for a global economy, and how this plan will shortcircuit your child's future career plans and opportunities.

*-how the international, national, regional, state and local agendas for education reform are all interconnected and have been for decades.

Former Russian Agent Uri Bezmenov/ Tomas Scuman:
Public Schools Targeted!

An interview by G. Edward Griffin with Ex-KGB agent and defector Uri Bezmenov. Interview details "ideological subversion" tactics of communist takeover and control, as well as communist atrocities.
Destroying America from Inside the Classroom I have reported many times in the pages of the DeWeese Report about how public school classrooms are being used, not for the teaching of academic knowledge, but for behavior modification to change the students attitudes, values and beliefs.
Barack Obama is now driving to control classroom curriculum based on United Nations Globalism. Many parents want to deny this is happening. Not in my childs school, they tell me. If you.....
by Tom DeWeese

Yuri Bezmenov: Deception Was My Job (Complete)

This is G. Edward Griffin's shocking video interview, Soviet Subversion of the Free-World Press (1984), where he interviews ex-KGB officer and Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov who decided to openly reveal KGB's subversive tactics against western society as a whole.

Grinding America Down |
History of the marxist conspiracy against the West
To purchase go to:

When Idaho legislator Curtis Bowers wrote a "letter to the editor" about the drastic changes in America's culture, it became the feature story on the evening news, people protested at the capitol, and for weeks the local newspapers were filled with responses. He realized then... he'd hit on something. 

The new face of communism – yes, communism – in America, and how it is behind the ongoing movement to “transform” the greatest nation in history. According to the creators of the 93-minute documentary:

Ask almost anyone and you’ll hear, “Communism is dead! The Berlin Wall came down.” Though the word communism isn’t used anymore, this film will show the ideas behind it are alive and well.

Join Idaho Legislator Curtis Bowers for a fascinating look at the people and groups that have successfully targeted America’s morality and freedom in their effort to grind America down. It’s a well documented AGENDA.

Link here to read The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals

Please do not let the pro-Christian aspects of this video turn you off from the truth spoken. Remember it was Hitler [Nazism is only one of the many forms of Communism] who systematically rounded up homosexuals as well as Jews.

How Socialism, Communism, Fascism and Nazism Work

The concept of socialism has been around since the 1800s. In its ultimate form, it means that the community (usually expressed as the community’s government) controls every aspect of the economy. Therefore all land, factories, farm machinery, etc. are owned by the community rather than privately. However, there are many degrees of socialism.

In the United States, for example, there are many organizations that can be described as socialist. The postal service, police and fire departments, public schools, etc. are owned and managed by the community, in the form of local or national governments. These organizations sometimes stand alongside private enterprises that deliver identical services. For example, FedEx and UPS deliver letters and packages just like the postal service does. People are free to choose between private schools and the public school system. Many businesses, schools, hospitals, airports, etc. have private police forces. This kind of socialism is routine and seems to be acceptable to a large majority of U.S. citizens.

The word communism, with a lower-case “c” , means approximately the same thing as socialism. Its foundation is communal ownership. The word Communism, with a capital “C” , adds a single-party, totalitarian system of government to socialism. There was a time in the latter part of the twentieth century when up to a third of the world population lived under the Communist system. Today the Communist Party of China is the largest remaining presence of the Communist system.

When people talk about Marxism, they are talking about forms of government derived from the writings of Karl Marx. Marx was a critic of the capitalistic system, especially the capitalistic system born out of the industrial revolution, seeing it as a system that exploits workers and benefits the wealthy. Marx felt that a socialistic system, brought to its highest level, would eliminate the ideas of class, state and religion. He believed that workers, through revolution, could take control from the wealthy and achieve the dream of communism.

Fascism is something altogether different. Fascism originated in Italy under Benito Mussolini during World War I. It sees both capitalism and communism as incorrect. Fascism uses a totalitarian government to implement the “Third Way” , where the state controls corporations.

Fascism in Italy began to look remarkably like a dictatorship under Mussolini. It was accompanied by a number of atrocities that included the sometimes brutal suppression of all criticism. A powerful form of nationalism was also a big part of fascism.

Nazism was essentially the German version of Italian Fascism, with Adolf Hitler acting as the dictator in this case. Nazism under Hitler added components such as racism and antisemitism, along with world domination, to the mix. Like Italian Fascism, the German version sought the “Third Way” economically, with the state owning all means of production. The German version also included powerful nationalism.

Nazism became whatever Adolf Hitler said it was, and ultimately led to World War II after Nazi Germany invaded Poland. Nazism and Fascism took a nosedive when World War II ended.

To summarize, socialism in its fundamental form means community ownership. Socialism is practiced to varying degrees throughout the world, including the United States. When you visit the post office or pull your mail out of the mailbox, you are participating in a type of socialism. Most people seem to consider socialism harmless, and often beneficial (for example, when your house is on fire). Communism is socialism combined with a single-party government that controls most aspects of the economy and society. China is the best example of Communism today, although it has successfully adopted some capitalistic principles to improve its economy. Fascism and Nazism are dictatorships with brutal, racist, nationalistic, world-dominating tendencies.

How Public Education Controls Your Perception - Mind Control

Left And Right Brain
Marcus shows how the left and right brain work and highlights how imagination is more important than knowledge. The importance of having stretch goals in our lives.

By Charlotte Iserbyt
February 27, 2007

There is one common thread running through all articles and speeches by elected officials, well-known writers, and commentators in opposition to the merging of the United States into a political and economic regional arrangement known as the North American Union. To my knowledge, not one of them has chosen to use the “C” word (communism) when warning Americans of the dangers of this unconstitutional merger about to be foisted upon us without proper hearings in Congress. Excellent speeches and articles are being given and written warning us of all sorts of bad things related to this merger, including the fact that we will lose our sovereignty, but we are not being told that all these bad things are necessary for the full implementation of The North American Soviet Union (communistic/regional system). Isn’t the “C” word the one and only word which might shock Americans out of their state of conditioned apathy, thereby bringing about citizen activism which might result in killing this “regional” monster?

Morris Zeitlin, a communist writer for the Communist Party’s Daily World said in an article entitled “Planning is Socialism’s Trademark,” November 8, 1975: “We (USA) have no regional government and no comprehensive regional planning to speak of. Regional government and planning remain concepts our urban scholars and planners have long advocated in vain…In socialist countries, metropolitan regions enjoy metropolitan regional government and comprehensive planning. The economic and functional efficiencies and the social benefits that comprehensive national, regional and city planning make possible in socialist society explain the Soviet Union’s enormous and rapid economic social progress…”

Of interest regarding Zeitlin’s comment about “the Soviet Union’s enormous and rapid economic social progress…” is the following admission made by former President Gorbachev at the 2005 National School Board Association conference that “half the world’s population and two-thirds of Russia’s lives in poverty.”

The United States Government, at all levels, has since 1975 accepted wholeheartedly Zeitlin’s advice, to the extent that our country is, believe it or not, almost 100 percent socialist in its political, economic, social and environmental (sustainable development) policies. For documentation please read “Walks Like a Duck, Talks Like a Duck.”

The regionalization (consolidation) of the world is quite similar to the three-stage plan outlined by Stalin at the 1936 Communist International. At that meeting, the official program proclaimed:

“Dictatorship can be established only by a victory of socialism in different countries or groups of countries, after which there would be federal unions of the various groupings of these socialist countries, and the third stage would be an amalgamation of these regional federal unions into a world union of socialist nations.” (Ed note: The third stage is taking place right now as we in the United States of America become part of a federal union, the North American Union, which will in the near future become part of a world union of socialist nations.)

Former President of the Soviet Union Gorbachev on March 23, 2000, in London, referred to the European Union (EU) as "the New European Soviet.” If he refers to the EU in that way, it only stands to reason that he would refer to the North American Union (NAU) as the “New American Soviet,” since the NAU is modeled on the EU. Gorbachev also said in his speech to the Soviet Central Committee on November 2, 1987, published by Novosti Press Agency Publishing House:

“We are moving toward a new world, the world of communism. We shall never turn off that road.”

How is it possible that if American citizens or United States officials involved in putting us under the North American Union were aware of Gorbachev’s statements, they would not be very concerned regarding our nation becoming part of a communist world? Have we forgotten the many hundreds of millions of innocent people tortured, starved, murdered and incarcerated by communist regimes around the world? Authorities say “over 20 million people suffered in purges under Vladimir Lenin and Josef Stalin -- and that more than 10 million died before Stalin's death in 1953. Some put the number even higher.”

Do we really believe the communists have changed or gone away?

United States government officials, elected and unelected, with enormous financial assistance from the tax-exempt foundations, have for many years been working to implement unconstitutional regional planning at the local, state, national and international level, all of this required for full implementation of a One World Socialist Government. For the 3000-page transcript of 1953 Congressional (Reece and Cox Committee) Hearings to Investigate the Tax-Exempt Foundations and for superb research on the history of regional government, go to and type the following into its search engine: Reece Committee, Don Bell Reports, Maureen Heaton, the Mantooth Report, and The Emerging North American Union.

One very important government official in the Kennedy and Johnson Administrations, Under Secretary of State George W. Ball, spelled out very clearly what the Insiders were planning for our nation in The New York Times, 1/24/88: “…If we could internationalize by using the United Nations in conjunction with the Soviet Union, because we now no longer have to fear in most cases a Soviet veto, then we could begin to transform the shape of the world and might get the UN back doing something useful. …Sooner or later we’re going to have to face restructuring our institutions so that they’re not confined merely to the nation states. Start first on a regional, and ultimately you can move to a world, basis.” (emphasis added).

Has our education system so successfully conditioned and dumbed down Americans that they no longer are able to apply logic to the above quotes? Are they no longer capable of transferring that knowledge, processing it into new knowledge and conclusions which might help them understand and oppose the present destruction of our Constitutional Republic?

Since all regional groupings being set up around the world are based on the communistic Free Trade “redistribute the wealth” philosophy, why is it that the adjective “Communist” is never used when discussing GATT, NAFTA, CAFTA and the NAU? Those patriotic writers could at least describe those agreements as “Communism LITE,” couldn’t they?

For those Americans who recall the days of elected officials, not unelected, appointed task forces and “councils” (soviets, according to most dictionaries), running our towns, schools, counties, states, nation and world, recognizing this change in our form of government should not be too difficult.

However, for those younger Americans denied an education in American history and government due to the activities of the tax-exempt foundations, especially the Rockefeller, Ford, and Carnegie Foundations, the loss of elected officials through regionalism does not seem to bother them. Go to and type into search engine “Kenny Hignite” and you will see a most astonishing six-page 1954 “Test on the United States Constitution” on which Hignite received a grade of 99 – “Excellent!” There is absolutely no way that Kenny Hignite, now 66 years old, having received such an excellent education on the U.S. Constitution in a public school in Central California in 1954, would not be questioning the present deliberate destruction of our representative form of government through the implementation of communistic regional government!

Those Americans under fifty years old, and too often those over 50 years old (!), will ask you “What’s wrong with members of the community or faceless state bureaucrats being appointed to assist our elected officials in their work which has become increasingly complicated?” The simple answer is “If you don’t approve of what those unelected officials are doing, you can’t get rid of them at the polls.”

Uneducated Americans will also ask you:

“What’s wrong with consolidation of school districts, services, the merging of individual school and town budgets to “save taxpayers money?” (Ed note: In Maine our Senate Education Committee is about to approve Governor Baldacci’s proposal to slash school districts by proposing 26 regional school units statewide with 26 superintendents, compared to the existing 152 superintendents and 290 school units!);

“What’s wrong with merging 16 towns under one county council as was recently proposed in Cumberland County, Maine, thereby eliminating representative government?”;

“What’s wrong with getting rid of local school boards and having our schools run by city Mayors, or contracting education out to private organizations connected with the corporations?”;

“What possible objection could you have to public school morals and values education even if those programs are forbidden to teach ‘absolute’ morals and values based on the Ten Commandments?”;

“What’s wrong with publicly-funded charter schools which have no elected school boards?”;

“What’s wrong with Cuban-style school-to-work job training replacing a K-12 liberal arts curriculum? Even if my child can’t read, I sure want him/her to be able to get a job.”;

“What’s wrong with public/private partnerships?”

“What’s wrong with the federal government mandating mental health screening for my child?”;

“What’s wrong with members of the community assisting the local police in monitoring citizen activities and/or the police handing out awards to citizens who do good deeds, as is the case with the Community-Oriented Policing System (COPS) in Maine?”;

“What’s wrong with putting the UN’s lifelong learning agenda, all community services (birth through death), under the umbrella of the school district? (Go to and type “Feld” into search engine for a remarkable research paper on the history of Community Education)

“What’s wrong with a National I.D. card reportedly designed by two Russian ex-KGB Chiefs?”;

“What’s wrong with students being required to perform community service in order to graduate?”;

“What’s wrong with federal funding of religious organizations (faith-based initiative)?”;

“What’s wrong with federally-funded school choice proposals?”;

“What’s wrong with dropping borders between states?” as is in the offing.

And, the subject of this article: “What’s wrong with regional government?” And many more “What’s Wrong With?” questions from good Americans who have, over many years, through no fault of their own, been deliberately dumbed down and didn’t receive the public education which required the likes of Kenny Hignite to know their Constitution and form of government.

How many Americans realize that almost all the programs mentioned in the above “What’s Wrong With” section have already been implemented in our schools, communities, and states and that they are based on communist/socialist collectivist philosophy? The planners are waiting only for the full implementation of the North American Union (final nail in coffin) which will allow them to write and approve, as was done in Europe, the North American Union’s Constitution (Communist Manifesto) which will include all the above “What’s Wrong With?” programs. That will be the infamous day when the U.S. Constitution is formally relegated to history’s trash bin. And, as with the EU Constitution, or the Communist Manifesto, the practice of Christianity will be outlawed… a thing of the past. All religions will be considered equal and inevitably superior to Christianity. Go to and type into search engine “Religion and Governance” an important position paper by Harlan Cleveland, notorious supporter of global government, long-time member of the internationalist Aspen Institute, and first U.S. Ambassador to the Common Market (1960), and Marc Luycx, a Belgian change agent bureaucrat. This paper was prepared by the Foreward Study Group of the European Commission and was undoubtedly used by those drafting the EU Constitution. It will give you a picture of the non-role of Christianity in world region constitutions.

Our elected officials in Congress, who have sworn to uphold the Constitution, should not be immune to multi-million dollar lawsuits for injuries sustained by the citizens of this country. Is not the loss of our freedoms due to elected officials’ malpractice (lying to us in regard to putting us under the communistic regional North American Union and not holding hearings on the subject) even more important than the death of one patient due to a doctor’s malpractice, the scalding of a woman who spilled her “too-hot” coffee at a McDonald’s takeout, or the death from cancer of a woman who smoked too many cigarettes? How can we ignore the fact that 651,008 Americans have died in battle to protect and defend the constitutional freedoms which will vanish under this new international regional arrangement? Is there really no penalty to be exacted of these highly-paid Congressional traitors other than voting them out of office, which it seems is impossible to do due to both political parties having the same agenda, controlled media, manipulated political conventions, and election fraud?

Americans have been conditioned to NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, since the days of McCarthyism and the phony fall of communism, mention the “C” word. The word must, as George Orwell might have said, be removed from the dictionaries of all languages, especially English. Otherwise, we might wise up and tackle this treason with all our might and brains since we surely don't want our children and grandchildren living under any “ism” form of government, much less “communism.” The Insiders know that “communism” is the one and only word that must be banished from use. They are not concerned over excellent anti-North American Union rantings and ravings as long as the “C” word is NOT used.

The Insiders, most if not all of whom are corporate communists, have no fear of the coming totalitarian system since they have been assured they will be sitting in the catbird seat, having eliminated all economic competition and self-government (elected officials), and will have the world as their playground. The majority of the world’s population, the Insiders’ “human resources”, will be their highly trained and conditioned serfs, lifelong.

One might ask, how can this be? It is a well-known and documented fact that Wall Street funded the Bolshevik Revolution and the corporate communists and our government have been supporting the communist regime in Russia since 1917. Extensive exchange agreements covering political, municipal, cultural, economic, legal, law enforcement, education, science, sports, medicine, etc. have been signed since 1958 between the USSR and the USA, including of special importance the 1985 education agreements signed by Presidents Reagan and Gorbachev which merged our two education systems and caused to be implemented the Soviet polytechnical work force/job quota system and the Pavlovian outcomes-based method of conditioning/training. Go to for full text of “Agreement between U.S.A. and USSR.”

Regionalism is communism no matter how you slice it. The sooner Americans get that unpleasant fact permanently entered into their brains, and process that information into appropriate action, the sooner we will be able to escape what Orwell described so well in his novel 1984:

"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on the human face--forever...and remember, that is forever."

Forward this article to your friends and to your elected officials at the local, state, and national level. Of equal importance restore the "C" word to your vocabulary and use it often.

The Leipzig Connection - Systematic Destruction of the American Education

Link here to read THE LEIPZIG SCHOOL


By Ashley Anderson, 16 years old
September 16, 2003

It's back to school time!

This is for all the parents and their children who attend public school. I attended public school all my life, until September 2002 when I began attending a private, Christian school. The differences are incredible!

Reading, writing, and arithmetic used to be what a child learned in school. Is this what you think your child is getting in school?

Throughout most of my time spent in public school, the kids in my classes only read one or two books throughout the whole year. I was identified as being smart/dumb enough to go to "Gifted and Talented" a.k.a. Advanced Placement classes. The Advanced Placement courses have now been replaced with IB classes, which are part of the International Baccalaureate Organization, UNESCO, United Nations. In this class, we were assigned numerous short stories to read, mostly about the myths of other countries, and about their religions. This class bragged it was a higher-level class, in which advanced students could "maximize" their learning capacity. I was busy learning about the religions and cultures of other countries, but never knowing such authors as Henry van Dyke, Washington Irving, O. Henry, or even Henry Wadsworth Longfellow until I attended private school. These authors and others like Mark Twain and Emily Dickinson are purely American, and the basis for all literary writings in America to date. Why were they never taught to me? Even in the so-called advanced classes we never read "Rip van Winkle." Instead, we were assigned books like "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, which gave the details of killing babies and living in a world where no one was special and a person's worth was based on his/her ability to conform to the group. Was I being conditioned?

After reading this letter in a shortened form in the newspaper last week, two public school teachers fired back with a letter of their own. They spoke about how great their school was and how their students read a book a week, not one a year. Are they really reading them, or are they "skimming" and using "study guides" to pass the test? They criticized my remarks about "The Giver" being inappropriate reading. They said,

"The Giver is certainly about much more than 'killing babies'. In fact, the reader should realize the novel is based on what would happen if our individuality, freedom and world were taken away. Its theme is similar to 'Fahrenheit 451' by Ray Bradbury and '1984' by George Orwell."

I wonder if they know that Lois Lowry's book is being read to children as young as 6 years old and sometimes younger? How can a child that young understand the significance of what's being read to them? After reading it, I was really shaken up, wondering why I was reading something like that when I was only in the seventh grade. This was in the "Advanced Placement/pre-IB" class; I was still only about 12 years old. What about the book, "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" by Maya Angelou? It's a book also being assigned to black as well as white children to read. It's a story filled with disappointment, frustration, and tragedy. Why do young children need to know that the author was raped at the age of eight? This is literary significance?

Kids are told they will be writing in a "journal" and that no one will see it except the teacher, and they are free to write whatever they are feeling. They could write about parents, friends, pastor, and anyone else, and parents would never know! When I was given this assignment, I knew my privacy was being invaded, so I wrote about how ridiculous it was to write in a journal. It was really none of the school's business. Strangely, I was never reprimanded or counseled. They were profiling me and to see how and what I thought. Why else would they want to pry into my private life?

They were treating me like just another "product" of the education system, just another number. They want worker bees. Push a button. Pull a lever. Get just enough 'education' to learn how to be compliant, happy little 21st Century workers who don't ask any questions and keep their noses to the grindstone. I thought, "surely, not my school". I was wrong.

In the 8th grade, my science class spent the first six weeks learning from the end of the textbook. It was all about global warming, recycling, and population control. It made me wonder how this "control" will be accomplished. My teacher wanted to get all those things out of the way so we wouldn't have to deal with them later in the year, but why are they in the curriculum in the first place?

For one geography assignment, I was asked to list all the major appliances in my house including microwave ovens, telephones, televisions, etc. They even wanted to know what the highest level of education my parents had achieved, and a roundabout figure of how much they earned each year. It was an exercise to make me feel badly that American families have so much and the rest of the world goes needy. I began to feel sorry for people in other countries who don't have as much. I started to want everything to be fair, and for everyone to have exactly the same. The very things my parents taught me, like working hard, don't cheat anyone, and earn your own way, were changed little by little in seeing how people live in these third-world toilets. It scared me that someone could just change my ideals by playing on my emotions. They were manipulating my compassionate feelings and using them against me to make me want what they call "equality". I still wonder at how they will use the list (which was taken up) in the future.

When my mother was in school, she was taught phonics. In public school, I was taught to memorize the look of words and how they sounded. I was taught to remember the answer, not understand the question. I didn't have spelling or vocabulary words to learn past the sixth or seventh grade. Why not? In my private school, everyone has spelling and vocabulary words, in every grade, every week, to understand and learn how to use them in sentences. Words like philanthropy, misanthropic, and ameliorate were never taught to me in public school, despite the so-called "advanced" classes I was in. My mother, however, insisted on my having vocabulary words, even though it was not provided in public school.

Reliance on technology was very big in public school. I was told not to worry about spelling something correctly, because computers have spell check programs on them. Isn't school the place to learn how to spell correctly? These were English papers I was writing in middle school and I'm not supposed to be concerned with spelling?

Learning arithmetic has taken on a whole new meaning in public schools. I was told to use a calculator every chance I got, and was even reprimanded for doing the work on paper. I know how to push a button on the rectangular device, and it's not that difficult. The more advanced students are made to wait for the others to catch up, and the advanced students are given "busy" work. I reviewed daily however, when doing the math in my head or on a piece of paper. The textbook often goes unfinished, and the students are passed anyway, because they tried their best.

Grading on a curve is commonplace in public schools, so the students don't know if they're doing anything wrong. I had the same geometry teacher my older brother had when he was at that age. Mr. Smith we'll say, actually told the class: "Some of you need to miss a few questions for the team…' He was meaning of course that it would make the top grade of the 'curve' look better.

That was in the eighth grade in public school. In the ninth grade I took Algebra. When I changed to private school, I retook Algebra because my new school taught it differently, being more advanced, and with more of the textbook. This year I'm taking trig and Algebra II, both of my own choice. I know I'll be getting the most out of them because we won't be waiting for everyone to catch up like we did in public school. I can learn at my own pace.

Most kids in public schools are uncontrollable. How can any learning actually take place? Respect for authority, integrity, and honor are not virtues generally practiced by students who attend public school. If the administrators were to enforce the rules they have, they wouldn't need to make more. Total control is the only thing gained when making more rules than needed, or altering the students individually.

I see now that teachers in public school seemed to be watching for kids who were having trouble concentrating on things, or who were especially disruptive. Only later did I learn that these kids were sent home with notes from the teacher recommending the parents take them to the doctor to get medicine for their "behavior problem"; a mind-altering drug called methylphenidate, or Ritalin. Schools get extra help (money) from Uncle Sam for putting up with kids using this medication. Many parents will tell you that their children on Ritalin act like zombies; my brother did for five years, until my mother insisted on taking him off of it. Ritalin use causes shrinkage of brain tissue, according to medical sources. Does your child's school brag about being "Drug Free"?

I was amazed at how well-behaved the students at my private school were. Not only did they work hard, but were courteous, polite, and obedient. These things are a direct result of the proper atmosphere that a private school provides. Christian values are taught, along with studying the Bible, which, needless to say, is strictly taboo in a public school.

Although I had some great teachers in public school, which are extremely hard to find, they could do nothing with the curriculum they were given from their superiors, not to mention the state, and the Department of Education, which is a part of the federal government. The department itself is unconstitutional; "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." The United States as is written here means the federal government, or national government. The Constitution allowed no such power to the federal government as to run a federal department of education. Therefore, it is unconstitutional. The Constitution, since 1787, is and has been the Supreme Law of the land.

I encourage all those who care about their children and grandchildren to go searching for the answer. There is a lot of information available but you may have to look no further than a book by Charlotte Iserbyt called "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America". It gives a detailed account of what really happens in public schools, why, and where the corruption comes from.

Students: no one can tell you who you are. If you don't think for yourself, someone else will. It might be a strong-willed friend, the media, or even our own government. Some people would have us believe that young people can't do anything about it, even if we wanted to try. One thing we can and should do, and that's spread the word about what is going on; but you have to learn more about it.

Even though it may be difficult to fund attending a private school or homeschooling, it is the only immediate way to stop what is being shoved down the throats of America's youth. Soon even these may be forbidden. What is the most important thing? Is it more important to play football or be a cheerleader and end up flipping hamburgers in a fast food joint, or actually learning something that will be valuable to you the rest of your life?

Defend your mind, and ask questions. Don't take anything for granted. Public school is not going to change, because it is running exactly how the government wants it to run. Follow the money.

I am grateful to those teachers who taught me to think for myself and from whom I actually learned many things. They became my friends. It's because of them that I find it easy to defend the facts and stand up for the righteous truth. They are employees of the federal government, whether they think so or not, because public school is 'public' school, if you're in Arkansas or Wyoming.

I am a Christian. Believers don't belong in Pharaoh's schools. This is not the time for us to stick our heads in the dirt and hope that everything goes all right. The remnant of Christ's followers exists today as foretold in the Bible. This is the time for all believers in Christ to rise up and defend the rights our Forefathers left to us. I will stand and fight until the end, because I owe it to my country. What will you do?

Thank you mom for caring enough about me to take me out of the public school system so that I can get a proper education. Now, I am no longer a part of the dumbed down masses.

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Germany: Notorious Jugendamt

Germany: Notorious Jugendamt

Isaiah 59:14-15. “And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter. Yea, truth faileth; and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey: and the Lord saw it, and it displeased him that there was no judgment.”

Watch this 1st and then when you find out what is happening in Germany today - Doesn't this all sound kind of familiar?
Lebensborn Program

German Jugendamt

My son asking for HELP! He wants to come back home!

Child Welfare Agency Echoes Nazi Germany - CBNcom

Child Welfare Agency Echoes Nazi Germany?
Based on transcript
Dale Hurd - CBN News Sr. Reporter

BERLIN - It sounds like Nazi Germany: families afraid of a loud knock on their door in the early morning, police bursting in, and taking away their children.

But it's not Nazi Germany. It's today's Germany.

In Berlin, when authorities came for 7-year-old Dan Schulz, his family secretly videotaped the abduction. On the tape, family members are crying and the boy can be heard screaming, "Mom I don't want to go!"

A German official responds, "Your mother can't help you here."

The boy was taken by Germany's notorious child welfare agency, the Jugendamt. The official reason young Dan was taken was that he wasn't in school, even though he had been homeschooled and then began private school.

Wrecking Normal Families

The Jugendamt, which dominates Germany's controversial family court system, takes children when it wants, from perfectly normal families. The Jugendamt's well-documented treatment of families, especially homeschoolers, has now become an international issue.

In January, the Romeikes, a German homeschool family, were granted asylum in the U.S. after an immigration judge ruled that Germany and the Jugendamt had violated their human rights. Mike Donnelly, with the Home School Legal Defense Association, was one of the attorneys for the Romeikes.

"The judge said that this policy was repellent to everything that we as Americans believe," Donnelly said. "He felt that these were basic human rights. These were the kinds of rights that no country had a right to deny their people. "

The Jugendamt undoubtedly does some good, somewhere, but it also has gained an international reputation as a ruthless organization that takes children from good families and wrecks homes.

"My experience with the Jugendamt has been terrible," Dan's mother Heidi Schulz said. "They destroy families; they torture people, and make money out of it."

She is still haunted by the morning her son was taken from her.

"He was screaming so much and he held me tight, and I couldn't do anything. Nothing," she recalled.

After he was taken, Heidi was only allowed sporadic visits and phone calls.

"And when I would call him, he would scream and say, 'Mama, come and get me!' And I would say, 'I don't know where you are,'" she said.

Child-Trafficking Network?

After three years of fighting and praying for her son, a judge finally ordered Dan to be returned home. Heidi said her son had been kept at an orphanage where he was beaten up by other children, poorly fed, poorly clothed and not educated for the first year and half.

"It was terrible. At first I thought I was just going to the doctor but it was nothing like that," Dan recalled. "They told me wasn't doing well and they told me that my mother was sick."

Opponents and victims of the Jugendamt say the system amounts to a government child-trafficking network, in which about 80 kids per day are seized from parents and funneled to children's homes and psychiatric care, with the overflow going to foster homes. They claim the system needs to continually take in more children to keep functioning.

"There is a system of persons, of social workers, of teachers, psychotherapists, who live on children being taken out of the family," German psychologist Carola Storm-Knirsch said. "We call it industry."

Storm-Knirsch has worked for the Jugendamt on several cases. But she broke with the Jugendamt over the Schulz case, which she called "totally wrong."

"There are homes with empty beds. And they need children," she explained. "And they call the Jugendamt and say, 'Hello, do you have a child for us?'"

Documents shown to CBN News indicate little Dan brought in about $8,000 a month for the state home where he was kept. While CBN News was there, Heidi got a bill in the mail from the Jugendamt for what was done to her family.

"One thousand-six hundred euros," she said, adding sarcastically, "They take your child and then they take your money."

No Reform Needed?

The local Jugendamt office is right across the street from the Schulz's, so we asked for an interview. They said they couldn't talk about the case, but said that they "acted in a humane and correct way, and legally."

The German embassy in Washington told us flatly that the Jugendamt does not need to be reformed. And it answered "yes," when we asked, "Does Germany adhere to the European Convention on Human rights in respect to the rights of parents?"

But a German legal expert insists that the German Supreme Court ruled in 2004 that the European Convention on Human Rights is not binding on Germany.

In her fight for her son, Heidi tried to get the ear of German politicians, such as the former head of the European Parliament. But a videotape shows that when another Jugendamt victim suggested the Jugendamt should be considered a criminal organization, the former head of Germany's Green Party, Reinhard Bütikofer, exploded.

"Stop it with this stupid brazen radical cr---! It's stupid brazen radical cr--! I don't want to be insulted by such cr--," he screamed.

Heidi Schulz has already raised two exceptional daughters. Winonah has studied in Japan, and Tashina in America. But the Jugendamt suspects Heidi has psychological problems, and they have begun a new process which could lead to her son Dan being taken away again.

Dan told us there's nothing wrong with his mom.

"The children's home is sick, not my mother," he said.

Echoes of Nazi Germany

The psychologist Storm-Knirsch agrees, saying the Schulz family is healthy, but she thinks some members of Germany's Jugendamt and family court system could use therapy.

"These people are sick!" she said.

Heidi, who was raised in communist East Germany, said that in some ways, communism felt safer than the new Germany.

"They (the Jugendamt) are so mighty," she said. "They have all power and you are nobody."

The German establishment doesn't like to be reminded that the Jugendamt was started by Adolf Hitler. Storm-Knirsch adds that "Adolf Hitler really did his work well."

HSLDA Attorney Mike Donnelly told CBN News that more German families are seeking political asylum in the United States.

Meanwhile, in Berlin, Heidi admitted to us that she feels defenseless, as she waits for the Jugendamt to decide whether she will keep her son.

German Jugendamt Destroying Families, Kidnapping Children
June 23, 2010

“The recent CBN report noted the Jugendamt dominates Germany’s family court system and it appears to take children ‘when it wants, from perfectly normal families.’ …”

There is a system of persons, of social workers, of teachers, psychotherapists, who live on children being taken out of the family,” German psychologist Carola Storm-Knirsch told CBN. The report suggested some 80 children per day are taken from their parents. CBN reported the case of the German 7-year-old generated $8,000 a month for the state foster agency to which he was delivered.”

The German JUGENDAMT explained on polish TV UWAGA !

(Polish/english subtitles) - Excellent report from the polish TV wich shows how German JUGENDAMT proceeds to tear children away from their non-german parents in Germany. These CHILD ABDUCTIONS are committed legally by modern German administration. KINDERKLAU, KINDESENTZUG, KINDERKLAUBEHOERDE, LEBENSBORN

Polish / W sercu Unii Europejskiej rabuje się dzieci rodzicom-obcokrajowcom z użyciem politycznego urzędu: niemieckiego JUGENDAMTU. Reportaż programu „Uwaga!" o nielegalnych i nieludzkich praktykach nowoczesnej administracji niemieckiej. Republika Federalna Niemiec od czasu końca wojny z premedytacją, poprzez przemilczanie zataja te praktyki przed swoimi europejskimi partnerami. Teraz eurodeputowani zabrali się za badanie niemieckich dyskryminacji ... - JUGENDAMT - KINDERKLAU - KINDESENTZUG - LEBENSBORN -

EN: German JUGENDAMT steals US children, with German legal means

EN : Part 1 The JUGENDAMT steals the 7 children of family Haase
Part 1 - German/English subtitles/

The JUGENDAMT doesn't withhold from the death of a 13 year old child. This case is absolutely SCANDALOUS, even if far away to be a single case, rather the norm in modern Germany.

2001, the 7 children of Family Haase were taken away, stolen, by the JUGENDAMT, without any reason, as to generate profit for some forster homes.

2004, family Haase won against the FRG before the European Court of Human Rights. However the Court Arrest has never been applied in Germany since.

Consequently Lisa, the 13 year old daughter committed suicide in January 2007.

Mother Cornelia claimed her pain on German TV and accused the Jugendamt to be responsible for the death of her daughter.

This interview is now used as a pretence by the JUGENDAMT to withdraw again, the two children of 7, who were allowed to turn back in their family, last autumn and sent her the bill ... for the funeral expenses. Modern German cruaulty.

EN : Part 2 The JUGENDAMT steals the 7 children of family Haase

Simone a Brazilian Mother
In Germany children are stolen from foreign parent


Simone a Brazilian mother explains how the German administration is organized to retain any child, their children, on German soil. Please inform your friends! Warn anybody not to come to Germany !

Simone explains how non-German mothers are considered as a case of psychology only because she wants to maintain a contact to her children, after having separated from her German Husband. By the way, non-German fathers in the same situation are considered systematically as violent or a criminal.

Further, she explains how German parents can make all the allegations they wants against their non-German spouse, and they will never be checked on their truthfulness. German authorities use those deliberately against the foreigners to take their children away. It might sound unbelievable, but it is the truth.

For German parents it is easiest to justify in compliance with his own authorities why the children should be screened from the non-German one;  just accuses (not to do, but to accuse) their spouse intends to "abduct" the children outside of the country. That's all. It's marvelous simple. It is the way used all over the country.

Simone a Brazilian mother explains how the German administration is organized to retain any child on German soil. Please inform your friends ! Warn anybody !

Simone a Brazilian Mother 2/2
In Germany children are stolen from foreign parents 
In this second part Simone explains the 'normal' and suitable German xenophobia way; As she wants to part from A GERMAN, the entire German community (family in law, Jugendamt, Judges, pseudo-psychologists and further authorities) is accusing her of being a monster because she has other human feelings as Germans do have.

She claims about her feeling to be voluntary excluded by Germans and German authorities.

She tells her fear to be thrown out of the country simply because she does not speak German

Scandalous! Phelicia Jackson from the US:
Germans want to germanize her children
over their Jugendamt system.

–”German bureaucrats take children from abused U.S. mom”
Bob Unruh,
June 12, 2010, WorldNetDaily.

A recent article written by Bob Unruh of WorldNetDaily exposes how corrupt German government officials are kidnapping children and placing them in state care, in what appears to be a hugely profitable racket that has destroyed countless families. And this is perfectly legal!
At the center of the allegations of corruption is the German Jugendamt, the government youth welfare office, who has jurisdiction over families who home school children as well as cases of domestic violence.

A story of Domestic Violence and Jugendamt Corruption:

In the case of Phelicia Jackson, she is an American woman from Arizona who married a man with German citizenship ties, and had two children together. The marriage broke up due to reported allegations of domestic violence, the husband fled to Germany rather than to face the allegations in court. It should be noted that the most dangerous time for an abused woman is when she separates from her abuser–the intimidation, violence, and attempts to win her back will likely escalate as the abuser fights to regain control. It is not easy for a woman to escape abuse. That being said, Ms. Jackson eventually decided to reunite with her estranged husband and traveled to Germany with her children where the abuse began in another vicious cycle. Even worse, the children’s passports disappeared.

Desperate, Ms. Jackson called her father (a pastor) for help, and he urged her to go to the [US] embassy. Ms. Jackson and her children were able to reach the embassy then were placed in a battered women’s shelter. Instead of receiving help, social services workers from the Jugendamt took custody of both children and put them in foster care. A day later, Ms. Jackson was ordered into court and lost her parental rights. Ms. Jackson remains in Germany fighting against the Jugendamt to regain custody of her children. It does not appear the husband has been held responsible or criminally charged for domestic violence. Ms. Jackson was told she probably will not regain full custody of her children, but may be able to work out a deal to have some custody or visitation.

Families who home school are also being persecuted by the Jugendamt and losing custody of children–many are seeking asylum in other countries.

A German law, enacted during the regime of Adolph Hitler whose tactics for brainwashing children were used throughout Nazi Germany, outlawed home schooling as being detrimental to the child’s social development. That is to say, it’s considered “child abuse” to home school. During Nazi rule, children were enlisted in the “Hitler Youth” and were asked to spy on parents, neighbors and friends for suspicious activity. Children were used to report Jews in hiding and participate in activities where Jews were persecuted or killed. Girls were encouraged to bear children to breed a superior Aryan race and other children were also enlisted as soldiers. State schools were used to indoctrinate children, even to spread anti-Semitic ideology that was responsible for the Holocaust, and to this day has led to the development of modern extremist groups who still commit acts of murder and terrorism.

Considering this brutal history, it is appalling the home schooling law has not been abolished. It’s use has led to further acts of intimidation and harassment against the German people–it is responsible for the deliberate destruction of families, whose children are taken away simply because they choose to home school.

Stories from families who home school have alleged that the Jugendamt has placed parents in prison, put children in foster care or psychiatric facilities, and fined the parents thousands of dollars. Yet, those parents who comply with the law should be seriously concerned about what the government is teaching the children, and how much control the government has over their individual lives.

Stolen children from foreign parents in Germany 1/2

This is a scandalous story -and by international standards- an illegal separation of brother and sister in Duesseldorf, Germany !I´m a mother of two children that grew up happily since they were born. After eight years a German judge decided to destroy their youth by separating them.
Eighty children are abducted each day in Germany. This does not happen under the rule of law anymore. Can Germany still be called a constitutional state considering these ongoing Human Rights violations?

Escândalo - e de acordo com os Direitos Internacionais- Separação ilegal de irmãos em Duesseldorf !Eu sou uma mãe, cujos filhos, durante oito anos cresceram juntos, até o momento em que uma decisão judicial inacreditável para todos os especialistas acabou com esta juventude feliz.
Na Alemanha 80 crianças são arrancadas por dia de sua família. A Alemanha pode-se chamar ainda de um Estado de Direito, no momento em que ela viola diariamente os Direitos Humanos?

Skandalöse - und nach internationalem Recht - illegale Geschwistertrennung in Düsseldorf !Ich bin eine betroffene Mutter, deren Kinder von Geburt an acht Jahre zusammen aufwachsen durften, bis ein für alle Experten unfassbarer Richterspruch dieser glücklichen Jugend ein Ende machte.
In Deutschland werden 80 Kinder pro Tag aus ihren Familien gerissen. Darf Deutschland sich noch als Rechtsstaat bezeichnen, wenn dieses Land die Menschenrechte tagtäglich verletzt?

Stolen children from foreign parents in Germany 2/2